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Bigoted leftists' insane and ignorant attacks on Gal Gadot for playing Cleopatra; claiming she's the "wrong" race

Some were angry that a black actress wasn't cast, while others were angry that she's Jewish and wanted an Arab woman cast instead. Note that a hypocritical twitter isn't censoring this garbage. A small sample:

"Really? This basic, boring woman as Cleopatra? No woman of color was available? Disgusting. F**k @GalGadot and @PattyJenks for this tone deaf and insulting choice."

"F**k off you colonizing war criminal ass bitch."

"stop casting whites in the roles of Africans"

"wanted to tell for a long time? BITCH ITS NOT YOURS TO TELL LMFAAAAAAAAAO"

"Cleopatra was black."


"I hate your guts"

"when will gal gadot die"

"eat my shit you f**k face"

"f**k you f**k you f**k you f**k you"

"f**k you and #Israel"

"Girl...this is not your story to tell sit your Zionist ass down."

"Your Zionist ass needs to turn down the roll GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO FITS CLEOPATRAS ANCESTRY

"shut the f**k up you Zionist"

"get her zionist ass out of the entertainment industry asap !!!"


"so they got the zionist white woman who can't act for shit to play cleopatra"

"i hope Gal Gadot ch*kes or accidentally fall of the stairs to her d*ath (along with every other Zionist"

"(who) thought it would be a good idea to cast an Israeli actress as Cleopatra (a very bland looking one) instead of a stunning Arab actress like Nadine Njeim? And shame on you, Gal Gadot. Your country steals Arab land and now you're stealing their movie roles....smh."

That last one comes from "journalist" Sameera Khan.

The black response comes after decades of pop culture fluff like music videos portraying ancient Egyptians as sub-Saharan Africans and movie lines implying they and/or Cleopatra were black with no real push back or correction from media. This led many black Americans to believe that Egyptians were black, setting aside more nuanced facts like Cleopatra wasn't even ethnically Egyptian. Some black females were even named or named themselves "Cleopatra". The other angle of attack stems from Arab nationalism and an antisemitism that has increasingly bled into black activism and the broader left. Not that ancient Egyptians were Arab either, though at least that's in the ballpark.

The irony is that the real Cleopatra was even whiter than Gal Gadot. She was of noble Greek birth, descended from Alexander the Great's general Ptolemy who assumed control over the conquered Egypt after Alexander died. Like Alexander Ptolemy was from Macedonia, the northernmost Greek province. Cleopatra was almost certainly a full blooded European, while Gadot is a Jewish/European mix. Greeks in general were likely even whiter then than they are now, before centuries of Asian invasions by Turks and others, and Macedonians were likely the whitest of the bunch. Alexander was depicted as having blonde or reddish hair. Even now Greeks are considered white if generally Mediterranean, and those with Greek ancestry vary in appearance from Greece's Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis to Zach Galifianakis to Angie Harmon to Jennifer Aniston.

One could argue there's karma at play since Jenkins and Gadot have both postured that they're embracing this project with a feminist angle, attempting to pander to the SJW element. But whatever their faults they don't justify the deranged replies above. Nor is this just about one movie, as people in general are increasingly being attacked for their race, while the PC left imposes bogus, logically self annihilating, hypocritical standards on things like movie roles, personal dress, and even speech.

The problem here isn't just SJW ignorance. That wouldn't account for the murderous hatred widely exhibited. The problem is broader and deeper.


"The problem here isn't just SJW ignorance. That wouldn't account for the murderous hatred widely exhibited. The problem is broader and deeper."

The problem is you looked at twitter.

This is why Steve Crowder sticks with college campuses to argue with kids with blue hair. He gets to make quality content attacking the "left" without ever going near the actual left.


WTF are you babbling about?


Twitter has been the left's vehicle for jerking around the corporate world for the past decade, destroying people's lives, and pulling the top levels of society in its direction. That's why I pay some attention to it.

But for the record I heard about this stuff through youtube, hence the source I posted.


The vehicle here is Egyptians and Israelis not getting along. There's a wall, remember? So when Hollywood suggests an Israeli play the part, Egyptians are naturally going to get upset. But all you doofuses can do is point to the left.

Since you heard it from Youtube, surely you can show a leftist Youtube video complaining about Gal Gadot playing the part.

Grace Randolph is deep left, very feminist, and very culturally sensitive. She heavily criticized Scarjo for playing the role in Ghost in the Shell. Yet she says Gal Gadot is a good fit for Cleopatra.

Your move, Kurly.


Wait, are you pretending that Sameera Khan and the leftist twitter mobs that have been largely running society for the past decade don't exist? Patty Jenkins is apparently liberal too, something I alluded to in my op to begin with, so you don't seem to have a point by alluding to an exception here or there.

It's a shame you can't deal with a topic head on, Vile, but instead try to deflect and distort. That lack of push back is why crap like that documented by the op now routinely happens.

PS - Most of the people attacking Gadot aren't Egyptian either, moron. Many are black Americans attacking her for being "white", as I posted.

PPS - Did you watch your own video, LOL? She acknowledges the anti-Gadot comments, reinforcing my thread.


"PS - Most of the people attacking Gadot aren't Egyptian either, moron. Many are black Americans attacking her for being "white", as I posted."

Egyptians don't like the idea of Gal Gadot as Cleopatra, and so naturally there are going to be people on twitter siding with that viewpoint. Just like there are going to be people on twitter who would side with having Adolf Hitler as president instead of Biden. Twitter is full of silly opinions. If you take them to heart, you are a damned fool.

"PPS - Did you watch your own video, LOL? She acknowledges the anti-Gadot comments, reinforcing my thread."

But I made it clear I know all about the twitter comments. I specifically asked you for a Youtube leftist complaining about Gal Gadot playing Cleopatra. All you gave was Sameera Khan who is former Miss New Jersey and doesn't even have a wikipedia page. Lol.

I can find plenty of these videos saying "progressives" are attacking Gal Gadot:

But I can't find a single youtube video from any liberal or progressive that attacks Gal Gadot.

How come?


Again, the US SJW activists attacking her are the usual twitter mob suspects, not Egyptians. They wouldn't have thought twice if a non-Egyptian "person of color" had been cast. Many of the quotes were explicitly demanding a "black" woman play Cleopatra, which would have ruled out virtually the entire Egyptian population. Khan's specific suggestion was Nadine Njeim, who's Lebanese, not Egyptian.

Nor did you address the deeper issue of the murderous hatred displayed, setting typical SJW ignorance aside. Trying to dismiss it as "silly" fails.

As usual your spin deflection is so weak and wrong that it seems like you didn't even read most of the post you replied to. I don't care to cull through leftist youtube channels, but your own source and leftist outlets I've read (including "mainstream" ones like USA Today, CBS, etc.) have commented on the outrage from their own people, so it's a broad phenomenon and I'm clearly not making it up.

Presumably most (though clearly not all, as I showed) professional writers would at least take the time to do a quick search and learn Cleopatra's ancestry before publishing an article about it. The issue here is how ugly the garden they've spent years cultivating is. Their premises are all wrong. Even if Cleopatra had been ethnically Egyptian there wouldn't necessarily be anything wrong with Gadot or even Elizabeth Taylor playing her. It's called acting. While someone who visibly resembles an established figure/character is preferable, race shouldn't be singled out as a categorical disqualifier for political jihad reasons, attaching BS Neomarxist concepts of "colonialism" and "appropriation" to attack people for their skin color.

I am annoyed by people changing the races of established characters, but I don't necessarily oppose...say...a black actor playing a white character. I wouldn't even mind if they wear white face. In fact I'd prefer skin lightening if that makes them better resemble the character. But my concern there is with the practicality of the performance, not political agendas. Quite different.


Funny that you mention Adolf Hitler! Egypt accepted Nazi war criminals as refugees. One ever converted to Islam.

The Arab world supported Hitler during WW2. But much of it was British/French mandates and Nazis could not flee there.

Not surprising then that Gaza is run by neo-Nazis, but the far-left support them!


"accepted Nazi war criminals as refugees."
So did the U.S.A. Operation Paperclip.


We scooped up valuable scientists before a dangerous superpower at least as evil as the Nazis, the Soviet Union, could. We weren't offering ourselves as a refuge for any Nazi who happened by and patting them on the back. Quite the opposite.


You won't find me an ally to the Arab world. Saudi Arabia is the root of all jihadist extremism. But instead of condemning it, Trump sells them weapons and points the finger at Iran to get dimwits like you to look in the wrong direction.


Leftist bottomfeeders like you lack the mental acuity to distinguish between the Saudi regime, which has been fighting Al Qaeda over the years (Bin Laden literally declared war against them), giving us invaluable cooperation, and the Islamist culture rampant in the population there.

Iran is the opposite situation. The regime is the problem, and the biggest state sponsor of terror in the world. But then you don't really care about combating terrorism. Your only real enemies are America and those like Trump who want to defend it.


And I always refer back to the Malcom X White Liberals and Conservatives.

White liberals just do it better. Remember that Karen at that New York Park with her choked dog that went viral? Yeah... and what did we find out? She was a democrat. They're good at hiding while it's easier to tell for conservatives. What we see here is another example of the SJW left that hate anything white portrayal. The indoctrinated scientology racial sensitivity by probably a black person to change the liberal mind into hating anything white and to put the shame of the white unto themselves. I say it's been very successful after a decade of slow creep into the school system etc.
