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Would a president Hilary win re-election?

I think if she handled covid right, she would.


I’m skeptical. Of course, it depends on many variables that we don’t know, like who her opponent is. Donald Trump was a very weak candidate. If she could not beat him, I doubt she could beat a stronger candidate.


I wonder if Jeb would be the candidate? Marco Rubio?


Are you assuming Trump was the candidate she beat? If H won in 2016, I think that in 2020 the Republican candidate would have been someone completely know, who was not even on the podium then. Jeb is toast. He doesn’t even know what he stands for.


She did beat him in the election with 3m votes.


You really should read the news before commenting on here.
If you think Hillary has been president for the last 4 years, you are sadly as confused as Biden.


I didn't say Hillary has been president.

I said Hillary beat him by 3M votes - 2.8M to be exact.

Comprehension escapes you.


No, he won the election. I sent you a link to several newspaper headlines with that fact. Ironically, the same people who refuse to accept the results of the 2016 election, now claim that Trump will not accept the results of the 2020 election. Many of the terrible things you say about trump are true. If your candidate can not beat him, with all those flaws, it says a lot about who you are supporting.


Let me make it more clear to you: Hillary won the POPULAR VOTE by 2.8 Million more votes. That means 2.8 million American voters voted for Hillary over Trump. He won the Presidency by the outdated electoral votes, a system which was put in place hundreds of years ago, and is no longer needed.

No one said anything about not accepting the 2016 results - more conspiracies from Trump's base. As a matter of fact, he claims Hillary wouldn't 'accept the results for weeks' when in fact she conceded the morning after election day. I guess BS like this makes Trump and his CULT45 feel good for some reason ?


Yadda yadda yadda.
Trump was a weak candidate in 2016 and is a weak candidate now. Finding someone to lose to him will go down in history as a major failure of the Democratic Party.


She never would have made president.Not the last time or this time.So quit being scared. Nothing happen to you last term or the one coming up.


President Hillary would not have withheld 650 million masks from households.

Plus it depends who the GOP frontrunner was. Trump might not even win the GOP nomination if he went with his current opinion of masks.


There would be no Covid. Just like under Gore there would be no 9/11, no Afghanistan, and no Iraq. Because Democrats look at intelligence, they don't ignore it,


NO because she would let radical feminism go unchecked and men would be considered more subhuman than we already are.
