MovieChat Forums > Politics > Damn, several states trying to recall/im...

Damn, several states trying to recall/impeach their governors for their handling of Covid-19

Wtf, if they hadn't locked it down and more people died they would've blamed them too.


Some of these governor's have ruined people's lives with the casual dismissal of how a shutdown like this would hurt small businesses. Suicide is way up, domestic violence is way up, and crime is through the roof. They should be held accountable.




And this is under rump's administration. He leads, people follow.


🤣 You do realize that almost all of the mandates involving Covid were handled by the states Governors? Man, you lefties are this close to blaming Trump for cheeseburgers being fattening, just because he was in office while you are it.


I wish they would do that here in Kansas. We are a very red state but ocassionally a left of center candidate runs and wins and she lied about the numbers to get her face diaper mandate and won't let us finish the reopening phases or reopen the schools. I'm not living like a paranoid germaphobe the rest of my life and she bases her decisions on the dipshit COVID Kens and Karens.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Can't please everyone. Lockdown = MAH JOB!! IMPEACH!!!; No Lockdown = MAH LAIF!! IMPEACH!!!

No winner. America is just lucky the virus isn't as deadly as its made out to be but it is deadlier than the common flu.


Yeah exactly
