MovieChat Forums > Politics > Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Laws...

Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Lest we forget. Yes, Bill Clinton and the whole buncharoo are close to Epstein 'didn't kill himself' including those listed in his black book. The pedo/trafficking rings runs deep.


Lest we also forget who was in charge of the Federal Prison systems at the time Epstein died. Lest we also forget that Attorney General William Barr's dad, Donald Barr (in his capacity as headmaster of the Dalton Prep School in New York City), hired Epstein for his first job as a math teacher despite not having a college degree. Donald Barr was an old Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) man during World War II (the O.S.S. being the precursor to the C.I.A.). Donald's son William was employed by the C.I.A. in HIS first job at the exact time Epstein was employed by his father's school. Ten gets you twenty Donald Barr was still working for the agency in some capacity (if only as a recruiter of future talent) long after he officially retired. The C.I.A. during the period Donald Barr was headmaster certainly had been monitoring anti-war groups on college campus, and also did recruiting (and blackmail?) of members of the elite at U.S. colleges campus during this period. Did they also have programs in place at elite prep schools as well? I wouldn't be the least surprised if they did.

*It should be noted Donald Barr resigned at the beginning of the spring semester (of '73 I think), and thus wasn't there at the time Epstein worked there. However, Barr, Sr. almost certainly did have a had in hiring Epstein as his resignation wasn't effective until the end of the semester and he would still have been his responsibility to hire for the upcoming fall semester. In light of recent events, an obvious question: Did William Barr know of or ever meet Epstein at any point during this period? Was Epstein a special project which was passed on to Donald's son after he left? Did/does the CIA do have intelligence networks in place in these Ivy League prep schools (very likely). Just think how much influence you could have over an influential and wealthy parent via blackmail if you caught their son or daughter in a compromising sexual situation with one of the faculty. The young student would also be susceptible shall we say to keep such information from their parents. Many alumni of this school (which specialized in the arts as well as math) went on to have careers in the media field, and thus in a position to shape public opinion. Worth a look at least, eh?


do you really believe epstein is dead what a ultra maroon he is trying not to get virus like all of us only he is warm have you heard of anything opps anyone who inherited his money


Lol... they released his dead body photo showing the marks on his neck... What more do you want?


Epstein’s dead and he wrote a new will two days before he killed himself leaving his estate in the hands of the US Virgin Islands , which could take years to sort out .
