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Lol, what a dumbass. He put all of his chips into a site that makes advertisers run in the opposite direction, and then complains that it's not working out.

I guess he's not interested in selling bottles of lead pills either. That would fix all of his problems. Most of the Trumpers on here probably take that infowars stuff on a daily basis. It would explain a lot.


I have never heard of this jerk & web-site until I read your OP. I briefly perused I need to take a shower! But, come on Doggie, putting NormanandNorma, krl97a, in that jerk’s camp is unfair. I don’t know the other posters you stated. Just because they and also I went against Schiff and his tactics doesn’t give you cause to say we are white suprematists or neo-Nazis! Personally I hope this Gd5150 (or whomever) falls on his own sword! 👏🏻👏🏻



How dare you! How dare you refer to me as a white Suprematist or a neo-Nazi! You don’t know me and I’m happy I don’t know you personally. You are the type who disavowed anyone you cared for or loved who voted for Trump! You loathe Trump to the point that you loathe others! You are a vengeful sad person filled to the brim with hate. Your type, akin to Antifa, are the new Brown Shirts! Or maybe Castro, Lenin, Marx, Mao Tse-tung are more to your liking.

When are you anti-Trumpers with TDS going to absorb we, (or maybe you are unable to) due to your brain being 1 Meg ohm from ear to ear, voted for his policies NOT the man?


When are you anti-Trumpers with TDS going to absorb we, (or maybe you are unable to) due to your brain being 1 Meg ohm from ear to ear, voted for his policies NOT the man?

I posted the other day that you (and others) voted for a man who believes in sexually abusing women (two dozen accusations, so far), who said out loud he enjoys grabbing unsuspecting women 'by their pussy', and calls Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. You voted for a man who bankrupted multiple business endeavors, fleeced hard-working people, doesn't pay taxes, and burned thousands of people via his T-rump University. And this was all made public as he kicked off his campaign.

Now you want to say you voted for his policies and not the man ????????


Believe it or not I wrote a rather lengthy reply to your post. I reached my limit on text in the first phase, so I continued with a reply to myself. In other words Reply to you, then finish with a Reply to me which was actually to you. My iPad froze! What to do? If I shut down & rebooted all would be lost. I couldn’t copy & paste on another tab for MovieChat. I was able to scroll so I did 4 screen shots and the pages are in my Photo App. Trouble is I don’t know how to get them to transfer to here on MC. Any suggestions? I can highlight, choose Copy, but when I try to paste there is no option. I spent about 2 hours trying this and that!


Unfortunately, what you fail to recognize is this stuff surrounds Trump and he doesn't care. To him it's just more publicity. Stephen Miller was caught parroting the same trash, Trump doesn't care. TruNews called the impeachment a "Jew coup" against Trump, Trump doesn't care. Heather Heyer was killed by a Neo-Nazi, and all Trump could say was there's violence on both sides while pointing at Antifa.

Trump won't denounce it because he needs their support to keep his 40% approval and any chance for re-election.

Then there's Trump's problem with the Central Park Five. He called for their execution without enough evidence in the late 80s/early 90s. In 2003 they were completely exonerated when the perpetrator confessed and his DNA matched. It didn't matter to Trump. He still believes the Central Park Five should be executed. He doubled down on it as late as 2018.


I give up! All of you are too thick headed to understand we voted and will vote for the policies he puts forth...NOT *for* him. In order to achieve the conservative policies we wish for we have to vote for him. If he had a challenger with the same goals I would vote for the challenger. If we had a Rep. House & Senate, but a conservative Democrat with my ideology in the running I would vote for the Democrat!

You consistently harp about his failures as a human being, but fail to mention how better off as a country we are with him at the helm. You refer to all his negatives as a man, which I agree with you, but that’s all you have. If by some miracle he found a way to cure cancer you would still loathe him! You venomous anti-Trumpers are a pitiful bunch...


If he found a cure for cancer he would make it too expensive for many to afford it.


If he put up the money for research, a cure resulted, and he gave the cure still would loathe him. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Humanity doesn't work the way you think it does. We trust based on how often somebody crosses us. One positive act does not erase multiple negative acts.

What's worse is you have to contrive a selfless act that goes against what we know of Trump. While Buck was making a joke, he took into consideration what we know of him. Your example skipped all of that.


Sorry! 🙇🏼‍♀️


His failures as a human being line up with his policies though. The bigotry that supports him spills into his policies.

Does it matter that a wall ignores the real problem which is points of entry? Not to Trump. The symbolism of a wall that separates Americans from Mexicans matters to a portion of his base, and so that's his policy.

Does it matter that removing trans people from the military weakens our military? Not to Trump. The cult-like belief that trans people are mentally ill matters to his base, and so that's his policy.

Does it matter that TruNews is a bigoted Jew-hating outfit pretending to be a news organization? Not to Trump. But a portion of his base loves that, and so Trump has given them news credentials.

Does it matter that Trump's negotiations with China have hurt farmers and steelworkers? Not to Trump. But his supporters bought into the lie that he's a master negotiator, and so he's free to botch one negotiation after another.

You say you give up, but you've really given up on conservatism in favor of Trumpism. Real conservatives don't do that. They join the Lincoln Project.


As long as he appoints judges who don’t legislate from the bench I will vote for him.

Re: China

Re: Steel

Re: TruNews. Never heard of it. Please give me info. If it’s a true Christian News program it has to support Jews and Israel

Re: Transgender
Where would you place them? They should be placed where their genitalia dictates...males with males and females with females. We as taxpayers should not be paying out millions to surgically alter genitalia.

Re: The Wall
I support *legal* immigration for those who will not be a burden for taxpayers. Also, the applicants should wait in line until their turn. If it takes a wall so be it. Asylum seekers should apply in the next country they enter...not in caravans to storm our borders.


Any beneficial China deal is all projection, and it's an attempt to reverse the damage that's already been done. So at best we're looking at getting back to square one. The reality is we cannot have a negotiation with China thats beneficial for us because they own so much of our country through our borrowing. On top of that, Trump's tax cuts mean we have to borrow even more. But that's conservatism for ya, I guess.

It's impossible to google TruNews and not see it's anti-semetic history along with getting credentials for the Davos trip. You don't even have to click any of the links, it's that bad.

Trans people were not kicked out of the military because "males with males, females with females" whatever the hell that means. The military needs more soldiers, always, not less. That's the way it goes for a voluntary military. You have to balance what a soldier is worth compared to how much they cost. If a soldier is worth ten times what they cost, and another soldier is only worth five times what they cost, it is never worth it to cut that second soldier. Remember, once those trans soldiers are gone, they are not replaced by non-trans soldiers because there's no waiting line. There's always too little. So we will always have less soldiers than what is possible because of a silly belief that we're saving money, or that trans people will flip out because they're all crazy. Meanwhile we're spending billions on jets we can't fly properly. But contractors gotta get paid yo.

None of your immigration spiel addresses the problem of the wall. It just ignores it, just like the wall ignores points of entry. The illegal immigration tax burden you are so horribly suffering comes from overstayed VISAs and illegals crossing legal checkpoints in the vehicle of an American smuggler.


Oh, okay. 🤦🏼‍♀️


And let's be real here. You have no problem with a judge legislating from the bench as long as they do so with a conservative slant. Be truthful.


OK, I’ll agree to the “conservative slant”, but not the “legislating” part.

I do hope they are conservative, but the most important criteria is to follow the Constitution. Congress passed a law, it was challenged at the SCOTUS...🤔 I’m still attempting to find...”The right to an abortion shall not be infringed”. 🤷🏼‍♀️


You don't know how laws are passed? Take a civics course.


Yes, of course I do! I don’t believe I inquired how laws are passed. 🙄


And the Constitution doesn't mention abortion at all, lol. Your point?


You totally missed my point. To use Schiff’s excuse...I did a parody! 🙇🏼‍♀️


I suppose I did!


And let's be real here. You have no problem with a judge legislating from the bench as long as they do so with a conservative slant. Be truthful.

You don't even know what conservative judicial activism would look like because conservatives don't do that.

Conservative "legislating from the bench" wouldn't be striking down Roe v Wade (that would just be constitutionally correct), it would be ruling that abortion is illegal in all 50 states.

It would be judges ruling that they feel taxes are too high, and, on their whims that moment, deciding they should be so and so percent lower.

That would be the equivalent of what leftist activist judges do.


Even Hitler and other tyrants have done positive things for their countries like helped their economies for a while.

But you can't ignore all the negative that Trump does. Many of his policies either hurt most Americans, are not effective or don't represent American values thereby chipping away at our democracy.

Trump's immigration policy is from a white nationalist, Stephen Miller. Race & religious discrimination, an ineffective wall and an asylum policy that is illegal internationally & nationally, puts children in cages, and traumatizes them by family separations are policies you're supporting. Trump stopped money to prevent crime which helped to fuel those caravans. Why are you so easily manipulated by his lies and schemes?

Tax breaks for the rich, hurting farmers, factory workers and consumers with his trade war.

Trying to fix the election, destroying democratic norms like a trial with witnesses and evidence presented. Supporting foreign dictators esp. over our democratic allies. Obstructionism that unethically denied Obama his Supreme Court nominee while swiftly approving a possible rapist and flooding the courts with some judges deemed unqualified.

Nobody wastes taxes more than Trump who has a trillion dollar deficit, forces taxpayers to pay him over a hundred million by staying at his own resort weekly and charging secret service rooms premium dollar.

Christianity Today wrote recently not to support Trump because of his immoral behavior.

Re: Israel. Stealing land is against God's law in the 10 Commandments. Naming it a "peace treaty" doesn't change the sin.

You're choosing a corrupt, unethical and immoral politician over your country and religion.


As long as he appoints judges who don’t legislate from the bench I will vote for him.

Because of "logic" like this our country is now circling the drain.


And as I said above, that's most likely bullshit. They have no problem with a judge legislating from the bench if they do so with a conservative slant. That argument is a load of horseshit.


I do have a problem if they don’t follow the Constitution. If all nine followed the Constitution and not put their spin on it we would be so much better off. Protests from both sides would die down. One of the few times I agreed with the courts was when the Jim Crow laws were abolished...btw...enacted by Democrats.


Dixiecrats. And those Dixiecrats became Republicans after LBJ signed the civil rights act. The southern blue states became red afterwards. You lived through this history so you know saying "Democrats passed Jim Crow laws" is not telling the whole story. It's like saying the KKK was founded by Democrats. Sure that's true but since then there has been a paradigm shift in the parties. Like I said, a person who lived through a lot of that should know what I'm talking about.


Wrong. Almost all the Dixiecrats, including their third party candidate George Wallace himself, returned to the Democratic Party and remained Democrats their whole lives.

The Southern realignment toward Republicans was a gradual process that started as early as the 1920s (Texas voting Republican), was clearly underway by the 1950s (half the South voting for Eisenhower), and didn't finish until the 2000s (in some states the legislatures didn't go GOP until recent years).

The segregationists (e.g. Al Gore Sr., Bill Clinton's mentor William Fulbright, former KKK member Robert Byrd) were mostly liberal Democrats. Academic research has shown that Southern Democrats in Congress voted with the national Democrats on virtually every issue except race and sometimes labor laws in the early to mid 20th Century.

The Jim Crow Democrats supported FDR's New Deal, anti-bank populism, higher taxes, more regulation, and the general liberal Democrat agenda. Even "progressive" icon President Woodrow Wilson, former governor of New Jersey, resegregated the federal government after Heartland Republicans had desegregated it.

There was no ideological "party switch". Republicans have always opposed slavery and racial discrimination. GOP strength in the South has always been inversely proportional to the importance of race as an issue. The South is the least bigoted region of 21st Century America.

By contrast Democrats are still playing the racial identity politics games they always have, just attacking and pandering to different colors now due to cynical strategic calculations.

Leftists are obsessed with race. Conservatives aren't.


Do you have a problem when the President doesn't follow the Constitution,or the Senators in Congress ?


Trump can do any fucking thing he wants to according to them. This has been made very clear.


For the record, not once have I heard him/her denounce any of the 'unconstitutional' things which T-rump or the others have done. Not once.


Of course not. They don't even think Trump is innocent of what he has been accused of. Bunch of shills.


Case facts, please.


Most certainly I do. I infer you have case facts?


[–] kspkap (4731) 17 hours ago
I have never heard of this jerk & web-site until I read your OP. I briefly perused I need to take a shower! But, come on Doggie, putting NormanandNorma, krl97a, in that jerk’s camp is unfair. I don’t know the other posters you stated. Just because they and also I went against Schiff and his tactics doesn’t give you cause to say we are white suprematists or neo-Nazis! Personally I hope this Gd5150 (or whomever) falls on his own sword! 👏🏻👏🏻

Thanks, kspkap. Of course I've done nothing but condemn racial bigotry my entire life. But before calling for anyone to fall on his sword, keep in mind that Doggiedaddy isn't just a drooling partisan moron, he's the biggest liar on the board. He has zero credibility so don't buy anything he says about anyone at face value.





LOL! Just doing my job - had to translate for everyone.


Got any evidence for any of the BS you just spewed, halfwit? Any at all?

Or did you just reply to prove me right?


Once again, I'll translate for everyone not familiar with krl97a's posting history:

"Holy Fvck! I've been caught again, and now Doggiedaddy is taking yet another victory lap around by beaten body!
Fvck! Fvck! Fvck!"


So you have no evidence at all for anything you said, and just posted to prove me right.


Doggiedaddy gets owned again.


Are you capable of having a back and forth civil discourse with those whom you disagree? You go on the attack with suppositions. You don’t logically debate or prove what you write. There is such a thing as presenting your beliefs without animosity. I’m willing to learn and do research. Dear lord, I lived through 8 years down the “rabbit hole” with Obama. So, anything is possible...


Just WOW.
