MovieChat Forums > Politics > 2 SCAM MAN DONORS arrested for CAMPAIGN ...


MSNBC is discussing the matter now …

They are both associates of RUDY and are connected to the UKRAINE situation.


Parnas and Fruman drew the congressional spotlight because they helped arrange a January meeting in New York between Giuliani and Ukraine’s then-prosecutor general, Yuri Lutsenko, according to multiple Ukrainian media reports.

Lutsenko is at the heart of the impeachment inquiry because Trump and Giuliani have pushed an unsubstantiated claim that Biden urged the prosecutor's removal in 2016 to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden. Biden has denied wrongdoing and Lutsenko has told The Washington Post that Hunter Biden "did not violate anything.”

The $325,000 campaign contribution May 17, 2018, took a wayward path to America First Action, a political-action committee that supports Trump’s re-election. The contribution was attributed to the company Global Energy Producers LLC on the committee's report to the Federal Election Commission. Parnas was listed as CEO of the company and Fruman as president, in other campaign documents.

The large political contributions also prompted at least two lawsuits against Parnas for unpaid debts.

The Pues Family Trust IRA filed a federal lawsuit in 2011 in New York City seeking repayment of a $350,000 loan to Parnas. The trust's executor, Michael Pues, described the money in court documents as a bridge loan for a movie with the working title "Anatomy of an Assassin," while Parnas found more investors.


So apparently this PARNAS character DONATES $350,000 to the SCAM MAN that someone else gave him to MAKE a MOVIE???


Of course


But Hillary’s emails! And Obama’s birth certificate!


A link and some QUOTES have been added to the OP.

Apparently the CON MAN named PARNAS donated $350,000 to the SCAM MAN that someone else gave him to MAKE a MOVIE???

The ARTICLE is so CONVOLUTED and TWIST itself around like a PRETZEL that I'm not sure precisely WTF is going on with the 2 ARRESTED dudes who know RUDY.


Obama got fined big time for campaign violations, no one cared. MSNBC? Lol Might as well get your news from The Onion


Rudy is such a blatant corrupt meddler


Here's another article that's easier to understand:


Two business associates of Giuliani have been arrested and are in custody

Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, who routed a large donation to a pro-Trump super PAC, are accused of taking part in a scheme to funnel foreign money to candidates for federal and state office.


A GUEST on MSNBC also says these 2 DUDES LOBBIED SESSIONS because they wanted him to get the AMBASSADOR to the UKRAINE FIRED.

So that's where the CONNECTION to the UKRAINE PHONE CALL comes into play (because of the way the SCAM MAN also FIRED the AMBASSADOR).

In other words, the SCAM MAN was PIMPING OUT and SELLING our COUNTRY again to these 2 FOREIGN guys as well, by doing A FAVOR for them because of the MONEY they DONATED to him.

HENCE the reason why the WHITE HOUSE may as well HANG UP a HUGE SIGN on the ENTRANCE way saying the USA is for SALE to the HIGHEST BIDDER.


On MSNBC they're discussing how one GUEST suspects that they have ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE or WIRE TAP RECORDINGS of conversations between RUDY and these other 2 guys who have now been charged with CONSPIRACY and with telling the FEC LIES.

Because the GUEST on the show also explains how the LEVEL of DETAIL he sees involved in this matter is also what indicates that's the case.

In other words, it also looks like RUDY is BUSTED BIGTIME for being a part of this CONSPIRACY, and since he's also the SCAM MAN'S personal ATTORNEY now, RUDY may also be the person who GETS the SCAM MAN IMPEACHED.

So be prepared for another TWEET STORM to follow where the SCAM MAN will probably also be talking about SPIES and how this is all a DEEP STATE CONSPIRACY to get rid of him.

But WTF does he expect after he stood there in HELSINKI and took the side of PUTIN against our INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, or after he also told the RUSSIANS he invited into the OVAL OFFICE that other TOP SECRET INFORMATION???

Did he really expect no one would SPY on him after that to find out what he was saying to PUTIN???

IMAGINE if they also PLAY RECORDINGS of his CONVERSATIONS with PUTIN at the IMPEACHMENT TRIAL and/or his conversations with the PRESIDENT of UKRAINE,

Or what if they also play RECORDINGS of his CONVERSATIONS with RUDY and or POMPEY, BARR and PENCE.

If the GOP MEMBERS of the SENATE still REFUSE to GET RID of him and these other BROWN NOSING TRAITORS after that, then perhaps someone will also PLAY RECORDINGS of some CONVERSATIONS the GOP SENATORS themselves have had in regards to this matter???


Obama got fined big time for campaign violations, no one cared.

AS well he should. And don't say no one cared - Republicans cared and made much ado about very little back then.

Now we have 'the new Republicans' :

T-rump? He's paid off mistresses right before his election, and his lawyer ended up in prison. He got no punishment, no fines, and republicans don't care. Evangelicals praised him! Even Melania doesn't care - "she's concentrating on being a mother", as she said. Not her marriage or her philandering husband.


Your mind is gone. Get help.


Typical T-rumptard response when someone lays out all the facts for you. Truth and facts are beyond your reach.


What facts? You make most of your shit up off the top of your head!


WOW! You really are brain-washed from Breitbart, FOX, and the other alt-right media. There is no help for you.



I'm glad you're in your safe, happy place. It's a dangerous world out there - best you stay by your keyboard.



Because they were finable offenses, not that serious. And Obama wasn't responsible for them.


They really can't differentiate between which are finable and which are not. Not a bright group of people, those T-rumpers.



Cheetogate makes Watergate look like NOTHING at all.
