MovieChat Forums > Politics > I hate how diversity is always brought u...

I hate how diversity is always brought up with no negatives.

I'm from Canada where there is a lot of diversity, especially where I reside. I'm familiar with immigrants because of it. But I hate how it's always more diversity, more diversity, more diversity. Why is that automatically a good thing? Some countries are able to accommodate immigrants better than others. If crime raises because of immigrants, you're automatically considered racist for even mentioning it.

And why does a country have to be diverse? If it is, that's great. If it isn't, that's great too. Why are you forcing it on a country? Can you imagine if I walk up to the Smith family and say "hey, add some Johnson's to your family. Let's make your family the Smith-Johnson's. And if you don't like that, you're ignorant."

The entire thing is head-scratching.


Diversity is a white liberal globalist idea. You won't really see this in eastern nations of color. When I think of diversity, I think of the many cultures, food, and possibly ideas one could bring but not to quotify it up with a mix of colored people. In my neighborhood, I see more Asian businesses (vietnamese pho, korean BBQ, Chinese restaurants, etc. lining the blocks more than I see American made businesses).

Since you're Canadian, I am sure you've heard of the blackface Trudeau scandal and how he's suddenly some racist bigot or whatnot rather than looking at his policies and what he's done of late.

-Accepted large number of refugees into Canada (you probably see way more Muslims now than before, maybe even panhandlers)
-Half his cabinet are women
-4 members of his cabinet are of Sikh religion
-Immigration secretary is a Somali born refugee

Basically he's tried very hard to make once White Canada into another Asian country but instead of just one Asian country, numerous ones. Heck, you guys have 300k Hong Kong canadians when I was watching the Hong Kong protests.


Some of the politicians who are running against him have actually said Trudeau isn't racist, but what he did was.

Canada is diverse and will always be diverse but this argument of "it's not diverse enough" is ridiculous. Where are we going to draw the line? Limiting immigration isn't going to make us a white country, so what's the big deal? If it's majority immigrants, is it really a country filled with Canadians anymore?


I could ask a similar question: why force everyone in a country to be homogeneous? Why exclude people looking for a better life than in their homelands?


As I said in my original post,

And why does a country have to be diverse? If it is, that's great. If it isn't, that's great too.

If a country wants to do it, great. But to answer your question:

-To maintain culture. Imagine if Nigerians became majority white and Japanese were majority black? Do we want to live in a world where every single country is so diverse that there are no specific traits that define a country because we all look and think different?
-Not being able to have enough suitable jobs for them to be successful in the country.
-Fear of the possibility of them imposing a change in law.
-Avoid overpopulation.
-In the case of countries like Canada, USA and Australia, to avoid foreigners from making it worse for aboriginals because they don't understand the history. For example: voting for a politician that can be a detriment to natives, such as Trump and his denial of climate change.
-Immigrants usually move to big cities thus making it more difficult of current citizens to find somewhere to live in that area.
-No matter what, there will always be a minority race anyway.
-Why does one country have to do it while others don't get accused of it?

A country doesn't owe an outsider anything, just as you living in your house don't owe a visitor who wants to come in anything.
