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Could this work / would it ever happen

What if Republicans and Democrats met in the middle...on everything? What would the country look like, how would it do?

No restrictions on abortion before 3rd trimester, then restrcited to only if mother's life is in danger in third term.
You can own high power rifles, if you pass background checks and have a license for it w/ proof of safety + training
Non - violent illegals given chance to apply for citizenship, all others deported. Immigration laws overhauled, border security and wall beefed up
Instead of 70% tax rate on $10,000,000 earners, raise it to 50%
Make people get a job to be eligible for welfare
Strive for new forms of cleaner energy while pushing for the US to not rely on foreign oil and beef up its own oil stocks


we had something pretty much like that during the first half of the 20th century, even the democrats believed in gun rights, the constitution and all that- then the culture wars happened, the 60s, a lot of democrats went to the republican side, like the saying goes "i didn't leave my party my party left me"

with the implementation of marxism in our school system, the left can only go further and further to the left. and you can see it. i've said it before and i'll say it again, the democrat party isn't the party of JFK anymore it's the party of marx and lenin.

the left will push and push and push further to the left until america looks like something out of an orwell novel.


The Dem-o-craps want socialism- they want to nationalize everything! Disgusting commies!


DC outsiders like Trump and a vast majority of the American people would support these types of compromises.

Unfortunately DC is made of career politicians who make a living holding office. The entire town is made of people who make billions off the political system. Corporate mainstream media also makes a living off of the system.They don’t want these issues settled. Abortion, minimum wage, tax rates etc...

The best most fair tax system would be a flat consumption tax. It nails all the elite .1%ers trustfunders and ultra rich tech giants. And it still requires the lowest income earners to have a stake in the game which keeps them involved. It also limits DCs power over the people. Needless to say we won’t be seeing this system anytime soon.

As far as gun control we have 20,000 laws on the books. There already are licensing requirements. Law abiding citizens aren’t the problem. 65% of gun deaths are suicide. 15% are legal shootings by law enforcement. 3% accidental.

That leaves 17% of gun deaths which are criminal gun violence. 25% of those occur in 4 cities. Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington DC, all of which have the strictest gun control laws. Of the remaining, 33% are in CA which also has the strictest gun control laws. Take a wild guess which party runs all of those places.

The idea of compromise and proactive solutions is great. But it requires 2 parties to have proactive solutions and a desire to put the American people first. The democrat party puts its acquisition of power first and has since JFK. They have no ideas or no solutions to bring to the table. They have hate, and unfortunately, hate isn’t part of compromise.
