MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you Under or Over 50yo

Are you Under or Over 50yo

I'll be 42 in November.


I'm 12 and a half.


You should probably edit this. It’s a coppa violation, and opens the site up to legal action.


You can't tell me what to do! You're not my real dad!


Ok, don’t blame me if they ban you to protect themselves.


Do you actually believe I am really 12 years old?


The truth is irrelevant. You are claiming to be 12 years old, and there is no way to check. If the site got sued do think it would be a valid defense to say “we think he’s joking, but we have no proof” other than what he said.

A lot of sites automatically ban as a precaution. I know things are pretty relaxed here, but I would think they would protect themselves potential lawsuits. But im not a mod. Anyway I said my piece, do whatever you want.


I think you’re taking it too seriously

If it was some newbie user saying there's a minor even as a joke alarm bells might start ringing.

Difference with BNP/Allaby is the moderators and regular users are all familiar with him and we all know he’s not 12.

You are claiming to be 12 years old, and there is no way to check

What about post history a lot of which contradicts the idea of him being 12?

I wish I had more hair. I have thinning hair and a noticeable bald spot

It's good that I did, since I have worked in tech support for over 10 years and am a senior technical advisor.

Loosing his hair at 12 and been working in IT since he was 2?


First of all, I’ve been on this site just as long, if not longer than you, and IMDb before that. So you can keep all that gate keeping regular user bullshit. I am a regular user.

I am familiar with him as a poster, just as we all are. I doubt you actually know him. and if he were a betting man, I would say that isn’t his real age. Although it would make his posting a lot less creepy if he were 12 years old.

However if I were a website owner, and I potentially face a fine, I would handle it the way most websites do. I would freeze his account until he could prove otherwise. Because you don’t actually know him, or have verification of his age, but you do have him claiming to be 12 years old


The dude has a beard that rivals members of ZZ Top. There's no way he's 12.


What part exactly was violated in that sentence?


When he said he was 12 and a half, I thought he was being clinical.. (and an exaggerator).



They were clearly joking but for the record, I was curious as to what part of COPPA we were supposed to be in breach of.


I think you should ban him for a lame joke.


Only if they ban lame question askers next.

Signed, million man


It would be worth a ban because at least someone got my joke..


Coppa protects children under the age of 13. It says so in the link you provided at least 30 times. He claims to be 12 and half. That you would put you in violation.

How is he clearly joking? He clearly told you his age, and you took it as a joke, without any further verification.

Your own terms of service say that the site is 18+. Btw.


Have you got me on ignore or something? I explained this already

How is he clearly joking? He clearly told you his age, and you took it as a joke, without any further verification

7 years and 1739 posts on here and you've never come across Brand New Poster aka Allaby before?

He's well known on this forum and known well enough he can get away and make jokes like being 12 because we know he's not, that's why nobody's taking it seriously.

Whilst we're on the subject, maybe the mods should ban you because you haven't proved to be over 18.


I haven’t claimed to to be under 18 either. And by your own logic I’ve been posting here for 7 years so I couldn’t possibly be right? Or is my character based solely on how much you recognize my user name?


Can I see your birth certificate to authenticate your age to be sure you are legally allowed to be here?

Should we ban people for what appears to be an obvious joke? If we asked if they were joking or not, how can we believe them? What if someone accuses you of being underage? Should we ban you also?

It says the site is intended for those over 18. We do not verify age or even identity. Should we? No, because that would be an invasion of privacy.

At some point, common sense has to play a part or nobody would be able to post here in the end if they made a similar joke or had someone troll them about their real age.


You keep saying it’s obvious joke, but it’s not obvious. You just admitted that you don’t verify ages, so the only proof of his age, is his own post where he claims he is 12.

You seems to keep try to turn this back on me, but I never claimed to be under 18. Nor would I, because I know it’s an instant ban most other places.

If you want my opinion though I’ll answer:

Should you ban for an obvious joke?

An obvious joke would -3 or 150. It’s plausible that a 12 year old could sign up and post here. If aren’t going to require any further verification, than you have to take them at their word. The only proof of their age is what they said.

Should someone get banned on an accusation.

Of course not, unless there is some proof that the user is underaged.


And as I pointed out, if we asked if they were really that age or just joking, how can we verify that without breaching some other privacy law?

So we should judge everybody else by your sense of humour because they didn't say an age you found acceptable? You're probably the only person here who didn't see it as a joke.

If you read the Privacy Policy final sentence, you will note that we have not been provided with any "actual knowledge" of the age of that person or anything else identifiable so unless you have some, the post stays as is and is assumed to be the joke it was obviously intended to be.


Under, I'm 42 right now.


I'll be 58 on July 7th




Way over - I'm 73.


So far, I've been 42 for 5 months.

It's actually better than 40-43 but mostly due to health issues that were resolved.

Wear bug spray and don't get lyme disease and Anaplasmososis which leads to lyme meningitis.


Lyme’s Disease kicked my ass late last year! Definitely take every precaution.


Yep. Went I. For a blood test today. Neck started hurting again last week.


Oh boy, good luck!
I’m achy a lot these days as well but then it has been tons of yardwork prepping for summertime. Be well AD👍


A close friend of mine has been battling that for years but has refused to make lifestyle changes that will help with the condition. I wish you the best there.


Thanks, and best to your friend!


Over about 6 months now😎


"For an apricot, yes (I am old). For a head of lettuce, even more so. For a mountain, I have not even begun in years. For a man, I am just right." - Chiun


I love that movie!
