MovieChat Forums > ShogunofYonkers

ShogunofYonkers (72559)


thesomanjoke 6K party!!! KOWALSKI 60k? MWMC: Puppet Master! Daft_Munks! MWMC: Rodney Edition! MST3K? I planted a new garden. MWMC ! MST3K..? Who wants to watch a weird one from the 80's for MWMC??? View all posts >


Yes. Starve it out, NO value so NO replies… •What is your shoe size? •Your favorite fish dish…. •What is the color of your car? •Pepperoni on Pizza, yay or nay? •Your favorite Disney Princess? •Name the last tool you used… •Can you legally turn right on red? •Names and breeds of your pets… •Your theory on Jack The Ripper… •Is Ted Williams’s head frozen? I totally slay benny in the stupid question department. Yeah, I should have gone with that and added something about ‘your Mom’s basement’😄 Seriously painful and difficult dramas (Sophie’s Choice, Cries And Whispers, American History X, etc.) certainly have a place and are valuable. However, it’s sometimes nice just to kick back after a hard day and forget all the terrible stuff we all see. Thanks, and best to your friend! Oh boy, good luck! I’m achy a lot these days as well but then it has been tons of yardwork prepping for summertime. Be well AD👍 Superhero movies, MCU or otherwise are great escapist fun for lots of people. The sorts that claim to hate them as mindless nonsense for dummies come off as snobs and bores. Pleased to hear it👍 Opinions vary. I thought it was an excellent performance of one of the major figures in the plot. I’ll watch for as long as I can👍 Lyme’s Disease kicked my ass late last year! Definitely take every precaution. View all replies >