MovieChat Forums > samoanjoes

samoanjoes (51701)


He was a preacher's son. Does this girl have a right to be mad? Rate this actor out of 10: Pierce Brosnan I like her face. Rate this song out of 10 or else KISS releases more music. Her last name looks like it's missing letters. SPAM sponsors the first film at the Cannes film festival. Movies with a common phrase in the beginning of the title. George Lucas turned 80. Let's debate: Star Wars prequel trilogy vs. sequel trilogy The greatest IMDb thread I ever saw. View all posts >


I'd much rather see a couple like this than some old dude dating a girl barely in her 20s. That's a kid who knows the value of a dollar. How can anyone not appreciate it? No one would disagree, but it's debatable on if the prequel or sequel trilogy is better. You may like KISS, 80s music and synthesizers, but I agree with almost all of this above, but I'm choosing the sequel trilogy for being nicer to look at. What a fox. I'll admit this wasn't my best. The swearing, the hand gestures, the way she cut her sister off from speaking.... all hilarious. He came back for a bit and blamed me then got banned again when they saw he made a new account. I think he banned him also for asking too many personal questions. It sounded like he was trying to find our coordinates. Disappointed. View all replies >