MovieChat Forums > BillHicksFan

BillHicksFan (10180)


NBA Playoffs Favorite Led Zeppelin Songs? Why Do So Many Hosts "Fake Laugh"? Is The Love of Movies Dying? The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Runner (tonight) Tribute songs to the dead stars Greenland and Africa on a Map Interesting Individuals Personalities in Music? Double Feature on TCM Tonight (10/10) RIP Richard Tandy View all posts >


The Outlaw Josey Wales Escape from Alcatraz Play Misty For Me one of my favorite movies 75 In "Tootsie", Mort Sahl did write the line, "I was a better man as a woman" but it's not a movie I'd watch.... I doubt if I see any of the 25 I haven't seen. I don't like musicals or science fiction Agree with you and Brand under I don't like Scorsese but did like Paul Schrader's script and De Niro's acting. Never saw the Korean one. I meant the one with De Niro.. What did you think of "Joe"? I mentioned it, because it seemed to have started that kind of movie in 1970 (even though there weren't many after).. I liked the first half, but when the old geezers started to like the "hippie lifestyle" it got kinda silly. 7/10 If you like "Falling Down", check out "Joe" (director who made Rocky) and "Taxi Driver" They sometimes have those classics in theaters, art-house cinemas, etc.. Out of curiosity, what are your favorite movies? I think it's why so many people do give up. I wish more would try older movies from the 60/70s (or before), but not necessarily the "classics" but something you think you'd enjoy before going into it. I'd be happy to give recommendations. YouTube alone has a lot of great movies available. View all replies >