Ranchersman's Replies

Love her and Millie Bobby brown in a film together Ideally a Quentin Tarantino film The hottest scene ever in a film, loved that he smelt her panties aswell and fingered her. Just wish she had took her heels off Love her to call me a bad boy and let me rip her panties off like he did He literally ripped her panties off and fingered her and then suddenly decided nah I will take the moral high ground Well he did feel her boobs, rip her panties off and fingered her. She was understandably angry I can understand her being annoyed Yes it is because she had to leave the office with no panties on and he just ripped them off Demi could have easily just slipped her heels off That’s what I thought but she was very shocked when he ripped her panties off Definitely the best Demi has ever looked and probably the best any actress has looked in a film But they had not been together for years and he was married with kids. Or you trying to say the sexual connection was still there? She is very hot and has great legs Oh no haha I was on about Carrigan (Cathy Moriarty) she was very hot I think she does hate her look at Douglas in that scene and Demi was enjoying it too much That’s a shame I really wanted to see her feet Completely agree he literally fingered her They did a lot more then kiss Do you think Demi was trying to prove something by not taking them off? Yeah he did there’s deleted scenes that show everything