Her heels

Can’t believe she never took them off once her feet must have hurt


In Jurassic World, Bryce Dallas Howard never took her heels off either. She even ran in them just to prove to the director that she could.


Do you think Demi was trying to prove something by not taking them off?


It's meant to represent her sexual allure as a woman. Meredith also wears questionable clothing through the film that makes her seem more attractive to everyone in general and probably likes to see herself this way. She also had a history that is much more detailed in the novel that she would waste much of her time making unwanted sexual advances to multiple men to the point of several of them resigning or transferring to get away from her. This shows her lack of ability to maintain a professional image in the workplace, clearly showing that she is emotionally unstable.


That’s a shame I really wanted to see her feet


Are there humans who can remove their heels? I knew an old man once who could remove his teeth.


Demi could have easily just slipped her heels off
