Roz pregrant

was it just me or did i see a pregancy belly on roz when santigo called to apolize. If you have the movie go and check it's near the end of the film.


yup she's def. preggers


Yes that is what I'm thinking too. We must wait to see it in Goal 3 if it is true.



Yes that is what I'm thinking too. We must wait to see it in Goal 3 if it is true.

Don't bother with the third film. Roz, Glen and Gavin are not in it, and Santi plays third wheel to two guys named Liam and Charlie and the film ends up about them. Goal 3 is excrimate.



She made me so mad during the film. The whole fight was HER FAULT. She can be mad at him for not coming home before he broke his foot, but what the hell was he supposed to do about it after it happened? She was just like "Oh, I'm selfish and I want you here and you CAN'T so I'm going to be a baby about it." Then she freaks out about the other girl when that picture could have been anything. Granted, he did kiss her (was there more? It didn't seem like it), but she doesn't know that. Then when she realizes she's pregnant doesn't she think that would be a good time to think over the fact that she's being really silly and get over it?

Am I the only one or does someone sympathize with her? I would love to hear another point of view.


Actually if i am not mistaken the pictures she see's are outside that club, all that is there is the 2 of them close with her hand cupping his. In a loving embrace, she doesn't actually know they made out in that new years party :)

Also take into consideration that women get quite moody and unpredictable when pregnant so she just let it all out and was just like venting and small things seemed bigger to her then what they were.


are you saying that what Roz felt about the other women were just irrational paranoia? well let's see... That TV lady did go after him, didn't she? wasn't she interested in him? did they eventually kiss? yeah... I guess Roz's "intuition" was right. When someone is after your man or woman so blatantly you will know. you're either really naïve or never been a relationship.


can't outrun your own shadow


They never really showed them get back together. It just shows her running up the stairs crying. Maybe she decided not to get back together with him.


You need to read the novel Goal: Glory days to find out what happens.

Spoilers for the novel:

Yes Santiago and Roz get back together and yes Roz was pregnant (although the Goal II novelization comes out and says she was six months pregnant during that scene in Goal II). They have a daughter named Rosie. Glory Days is the real Goal 3 and you'll finally see Santiago playing in the World Cup.


I assumed they did more than kiss at the party. Seemed like Santi was in a downward "immature" spiral just like the first Goal.



well in the first movie when they first met she says how she hates futballers because they let all of the fame get into their head. then mentions how her father was a rock star ande left her mother and her because he was too famous and too good for them
so she most likly sees the same thing happening now that santi is famous and is scared he will leave her like her father did


Don't wait for the third one to find out. xD You'll be highly disappointed.


They did a lot more then kiss

