KingBob's Replies

This comment did not age well. I’m guessing you made that comment before The Last Jedi came out I’m sure Biden would be nice enough to loan them a fresh supply. I’m sure he has a fresh batch of Diapers on him everywhere he goes. We are having plenty of Jan 6 like incidents all over college campuses. If John Travolta can be turned into Nicolas Cage in a matter of hours I can buy anything. Tiger was playing a prank on him and it was pretty funny. The only thing you mentioned that I think messes with the lore is your last point and I think that’s relatively minor because the plans were beamed onto another ship which were then transferred to Leias ship. But yes you are correct. Luke had sex with Leia? They also didn’t want the Nazis to be the villain and since there were no Nazis in 1935 it was set before Raiders. That’s literally what a ranking is I agree, the scene where she identifies as a Skywalker was the most emotionally satisfying moment in all of Star Wars. Travolta is playing Sean Archer in the final scene. 10 years ago I never thought the left would stoop this low but here we are. This is what happens on Banana Republic’s not the United Stars . It’s embarrassing. And what’s even more pathetic is these Trump haters claiming it’s about the rule of law. What a joke. It’s a bad movie but I’ve decided not to disown it like I have the other 4 Disney films because: A) It at least respected the lore B) It had some cool scenes (namely the ones with Vader) C) It had a rightful place in the overall story line , the fact that it blends right into ANH I thought was a good touch. Rogue One was bad but at least had a point to it. Solo was bad and had no point. The ST was infuriatingly bad and had no point. This is how I choose to view Star Wars: - Episode I: The Phantom Menace - Episode II: Attack Of The Clones - Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - Episode IV: A New Hope - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back - Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi And that’s it One can only hope, unfortunately it is going to take a long time to recover from the damage Brandon has inflicted on us. Plus I don’t have a lot of faith that the judicial system in New York is going to not weaponize the justice system against Trump. More than likely Owen and Beru told him about her. Highly doubt they did before the Battle of Geonosis. If they did before they were married it was sometime between Anakin getting a new arm and the last scene. Knowing Padme though I doubt they did until after the wedding which would have been between episodes 2 and 3. He shouldn’t have been in the girls bathroom, had it not been for the alphabet people agenda that girl wouldn’t have been raped Also the article said the gender identity had little to do with the attack according to the documents. How do we know the documents are accurate? Transgender policies raped an innocent child. Or maybe it won’t. Again it’s none of your business how much money he has and it doesn’t affect you. Also this money isn’t yours, the people sending him money have the right to do whatever they want with their money. You’re also engaging in conspiracy theories. You’re overly obsessing and you shouldn’t care about any of this and if he does get reelected you should respect our democracy and deal with it. Not relevant in the slightest. The girl who was raped in the bathroom by a boy would not have been raped had it not been for these insane alphabet people bathroom privileges. The fact that rape happens elsewhere doesn’t change the fact that she was raped to perpetuate a political agenda. You’re deflecting and I’m not letting you send me down that rabbit hole. Do you not understand how moronic you sound? A girl was raped by a boy in the girls bathroom and you’re response is “but but but people get raped in other places”. If that had been your daughter I doubt you would have been like “I’m sorry you were raped sweetie but you have to understand that these alphabet people are finally getting the right to go to whatever bathroom they want to so things like this are going to happen every now and then, I’m sure you’ll get over it and see what a big step this is for the rights of alphabet people”.