KingBob's Replies

And that makes totally sense because the Predator also killed Apollo. We also need a sequel showing how Matrix, Jenny and Cindy recovered from the events of the first film. Jenny is going to need a lot of counseling and I think that would make a very engaging subplot. Maybe at the end it’s established the therapist was inappropriate with her and Matrix has to smash his face in. They should have had him fight the Predator. That would have been so awesome and it would have made sense as Rocky IV established that this is a sci fi franchise. I don’t know Yes they do, General Grievous breathed Tony was never confirmed dead so that’s a definite possibility. Yes it is. No it didn’t. This movie did not spoof nor rip off Star Wars. The opening was a reference to Jaws. That’s not true at all, the Nazis did not exist until 1936. Only 1 month left, I am beyond pumped. I never said he was required to kneel on his neck, you are arguing against things I never asserted. I said that he was well within his authority to kneel on his knock and none of that would have mattered had Floyd not been high off his ass. Interesting martyr you people chose. BLM would have shown up at the jurors houses and lit them on fire much like they did in the riots during 2020 and they absolutely would have killed them. They already killed a St Louis Police Captain along with dozens others. Speaking of Rittenhouse, he did nothing wrong, he defended himself against several crazed, psychotic, BLM pedophiles and instead of being honored at the White House like he should have been, Brandon smears him and calls him a “white supremacist” Don’t know and that’s not my burden of proof. He did a legal maneuver that you are supposed to do when a suspect is behaving like a lunatic. And are you seriously trying to tell me had the jury acquitted them that BLM wouldn’t have killed them? I refuse to believe that you believe that. Good point, I’ll rephrase: “there was just burning, looting and murdering”. Yeah I know, it’s a very immature way of debating. He’s a child. How should I know? If he had crap lawyers that’s nothing I can control, the truth is Chauvin did not use excessive force, most of the reason why he was convicted was because the media would have gone berserk and probably would have threatened the jurors had they acquitted him. Not just protesting but also burning, looting and murdering. Most of the time we can still watch the original cut. In order to watch the original star wars we have to find a VHS from the early 90s. It’s not Han shot first, it’s Han was the only one to shoot. Greedo never got a shot off in the original. I asked you to show me evidence of my alleged antisemitism Because he was on drugs, he was acting like a psychopath and Chauvin used a legal restraining move which would not have had any effect on him had he not been on drugs. There’s also no evidence that race had anything to do with the encounter. Sorry, I know you people wanted Floyd to be some kind of artificial martyr but he’s not even close.