MovieChat Forums > Toomer > Replies

Toomer's Replies

Holy shit, that means Donald Trump is a sociopath! Seriously though, were they ever convicted in a court of law? Does that mean he actually has a Jewish last name? Douglas is not the real family name is it? That's why this movie sucked. Also, it's not a real Mad Max movie without Mel Gibson as Max. Okay, maybe they're not better, but CN's and QT's movies are definitely more enjoyable, entertaining and rewatchable than PTA's movies IMHO. All Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarantino movies are better than any Paul Thomas Anderson movie including There Will Be Blood. That's fine with by me. Trust me, I will leave the comfort of my house again when everything is not so expensive. Until then, I stay at home in my pajamas. Good one, Lord. I also noticed that car alarm and how De Niro the great actor that he is, refused to take the hint and shut up about Trump/politics. I really wish he would stop embarrassing himself and stick to what he's good at, what he was born to do, acting in movies. Good one, bozo. 👍 You say that like it's a bad thing. Remember, it was the owners' and Hollywood's greed that killed the movie theaters with the high ticket prices and overpriced drinks and snacks. It's just too expensive now. I don't care about greedy mult-millionaires losing business and closing down theaters, it's way cheaper and more comfortable and convenient to stay home and watch movies. I'd rather be a shut-in, saving loads of my hard earned money and enjoying movies in the comfort of my home theater than support the owners' and Hollywood's greed for the high ticket prices and overpriced drinks and snacks. Greed has killed the movie-going experience for me because of those selfish multi-millionaires. Movie theaters need to lower the price of admission, food and beverages, then they shall see the people return. It's way too expensive to go to the movies now. Why should all those owners and Hollywood folks be multi-millionaires? At our expense? Nope. Streaming is the more affordable and convenient option. Yeah but what's worse for Palpatine, hummus or the juice? Free Palpatine from hummus and the juice. That shit is bad for his health. Yes, it's obvious that comment had something to do with you.