Lolyeah's Replies

It did help to mitigate glass damage on people. Nah. The fingerprint was Bernice's, she touches the painting right after James has finished it, that's why James doesn't know. And James didn't want money, he wanted recognition, as a critic and as an artist, even though people don't know he's the artist. No, we haven't. Maybe he couldn't have kids. Some ladies at the beginning comment about him and his wife not having children yet. Preaching? "Be a decent person", that's not preaching. Yes. You think that's a small thing? Who cares? Yes, you are. She wasn't pretending anything, lol. Boomers are X's parents. This movie is from Australia, you American-centered douche. What? It's obvious what happened. There was nothing ambiguous in this movie. You're wrong. I liked it. Klaatu barada nikto. You're welcome. Nobody else is seen. You didn't pay much attention, did you? They're not supposed to be teenagers but in their twenties. Cameos normally don't.