Clatto Verata Nicto?

okay, i'm not 100% sure on this, but right before the gum-chewing guy gets killed off, he looks at the killbot and it sounds like he says "Clatto Verata Nicto," aka the secret words Ash has to remember to retrieve the Necromonicon in Army of Darkness, please tell me that i am hearing things, because by my math chopping mall is a good 6 years older than army of darkness, which means sam raimi stole that line, which is part of one of the funniest scenes in army of darkness, from this craptacular throw-away of a movie, it almost ruins the quote, i'm pretty sure that the gum-chewing guy says it, but if anybody can decipher something else or is aware of something even older that that line originally comes from, i would appreciate your help, thanks

p.s. even though i did hate this movie, "rambo-gram" was farking classic, but what the hell is up with having angus scrimm do a cameo and then not even show his face, they had a profile shot of him that was way pulled back, pointless


well i did a little research and thank god, Clatto Verata Nicto is not originally from chopping mall, but rather from the day the earth stood still, so i'm sure sam raimi had that movie in mind when he lifted that line and not chopping mall, which that is okay because day the earth stood still was a quality movie, i cant help but be a little disappointed still because i thought that line was a raimi original (althougth i'm sure if sam was asked about it, he would use the back door play and say the line was not lifted but rather an "homage") but at least it's not from chopping mall, giddy-up


don't get me wrong. i think sam raimi is great but i'm not heartbroken if he didn't think of that genius line

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and *beep* the prom queen! -Sean Connery


well that's probably for the best, funny line though


Don't feel too bad I had seen army of darkness waaay before I ever bothered to watch the 50's version of The Day the Earth stood still spent a pretty lng time thinking it was original lol



"it's not that great of a line"
"It was how it was used and it's significance in the film (Army of Darkness) that was great"

so is it great or not? i dont understand your point

and yes, it would have been considerably lamer if sam raimi lifted this line from choppping mall instead of the day the earth stood still



i dont know, i think clatto verata nicto has a certain ring to it, but more importantly than that, i think you're blowing what i said a little out of proportion, all i said was that this line "is part of one of the funniest scenes in army of darkness" i never specifically said the words themselves were brilliantly put together while the delivery and its importance to the plot were irrelevant, all i was saying was that if you look at the overall effect of the line; the words, delivery, and everything, it makes for a funny moment



i wouldnt be so sure, made-up words in movies tend to have a very hookie feel to them, or they take the easy way out and use latin or german, where these words clearly were not latin or german, and it had a cool ring to it, it's actually a pretty rare combination, but yes, you definitely are blowing this whole thing out of proportion, the reason being is that you are putting way too much emphasis on the words themselves, to repeat myself, i never specifically said the words themselves were brilliantly put together while the delivery and its importance to the plot were irrelevant, all i was saying was that if you look at the overall effect of the line; the words, delivery, and everything, it makes for a funny moment, and my quote "is part of one of the funniest scenes in army of darkness" is coming from my very first post, so just scroll up and you should see it


its spelled: Klaatu barada nikto

and its probably the most important phrase in science fiction movies.

It has been in more movies than any other expression. its an inside joke in numerous movies.



as far as i can tell "Klaatu Barada Nikto" is the spelling used for The Day the Earth Stood Still, and "Clatto Verata Nicto" is the spelling used for Army of Darkness, i cant find any information on the spelling for Chopping Mall, or the line being referenced in any other movies


Klaatu, Barada, and Nikto were also the names of characters from "Return of the Jedi"...according to the action figures, anyway!


Well that's interesting, what kind of characters are they? I don't see their names listed on the imdb cast list to investigate


"In the film Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, two of Jabba the Hutt's skiff guards reference this phrase: one guard is an alien of the Nikto species named Klaatu, and another is an alien of the Klatooinian species, named Barada."


Klaatu is also a giant alien from the Hulk comics.

"Passion is just insanity in a cashmere sweater!"


Klaatu barada nikto. You're welcome.
