RGermain22's Replies

He turned into a Qanon weirdo, he's releasing a Passion of the Christ sequel with Mel Gibson next year. Justin didn't ruin Britney, and Janet. They did it to themselves. John DiMaggio is back as Bender. Society is blind, they listen to what the media says, and they don't do any research about Britney. If the public knew more about what Britney is about, they would've told her to get another conservator instead of being "free". I don't think she's going to last long in the real world without a handler. Both shows are rubbish, I'm surprised they lasted that long. It should've been cancelled a long time ago. John DiMaggio is back as Bender on Futurama. I think the show had bad writers, the parents were quite horrific towards their kids in many ways. She's a very controlling, narcissistic bitch. Someone should've stood up to her, and defended themselves against her. The show would've been 1000% better for it. Meatloaf died a few months ago. What rape scene in Pulp Fiction? She looked at least 5 years older than the other 4 bimbos. No, they're all sluts though. Google is your friend, Mark is very racist. Your fine with grown men jerking off to your sisters, or mothers breasts? You’re okay with every heterosexual man on earth asking your female relatives if they’ve shown their “twins”? Karma bit him in the arse for what he did to those kids when he was younger, and to that blind asian man. He deserves it! She then recanted her statement. I’m sure your mother is very proud of you being disrespectful towards women, and their bodies. It was so much more than that, one of the reasons is because they’re very incompatible with each other.