RGermain22's Replies

Then why are you asking if she’s shown her breasts? Are you that fucking gross? It wouldn’t surprise me if it was faked. Are you? It helps the movie industry by acknowledging Deaf people, and promoting inclusivity by having Deaf people in movies. If no-one saw the movie, how did it win 3 oscar awards? Google is your friend, try using it to see what type of roles Troy does in Hollywood :). How did it get nominated 3 times for an Oscar if no-one saw the movie? I started watching Wentworth a while ago, it’s 1 million times better than this dumpster fire. Russell retired from acting years ago, he’s now got a Youtube channel. You sound very detailed, do you have a crush on kowalski? I don’t think so, Joe is way too girly for that type of role. She’s lost the plot. Have you ever shown ‘the twins’? Please say yes. Laura Prepon stopped practising Scientology a few years ago. For what reason exactly? The reboot sucked, it was more “The DJ show” than Fuller House. If the cast want to honor Bob’s legacy, they should make a documentary about his life, and talk about the things that he said/did in his memoir. Define ‘woke’. It's not a good movie, try watching the other movie versions (1949, 1994) instead as the characters, plot, story, etc are way better than this movie. How about cheating on your spouse? Does that resemble toxic behavior? I'm surprised that he still has fans, he hasn't made anything worthwhile in years. very Google is your friend.