MissTaken's Replies

Scarface would be immediately ruled out as a suspect the moment he revealed that he was living off monthly hush payments to keep his mouth shut and keep protecting Matt. It makes no sense that would Scarface kill his golden goose even though he hated him. That is highly possible. Harrison was in town and lurking around getting ready to make contact with Dexter. I thought that might be the case when Harrison broke in immediately after Dexter killed Matt and expected it to come up in the storyline. I think it would be fascinating to watch Harrison evolve. There's a couple of seasons worth already. But they would probably hire a more famous actor to carry the show. He made a couple of cracks about cameras. The last one was when he broke into the high school with Harrison. I'm sure a very rich serial killer with a kill house and trophy cellar would have security all around. I've got it! They can have Pam Ewing in the shower and make it all her dream! That's what they did on Dallas when they really screwed up and killed off Bobby. LOL! To quote you, what do you mean Debra didn't work in this season? She was essential. Do you have little sister issues? They would most certainly hire a bigger name and more established actor for the part if the character is getting his own show. I think this season was excellent but it was so bleak in the dead of winter and the mood was so different than Miami's endless colorful summer that it appears a lot of viewers just couldn't get past it. Obviously, America needs more razzle dazzle with their bread and circuses. I do hope all the Debbie Downers on these review cites grow up and stop whining so we can have another season with whatever happens with Harrison trying to get a grip on who he is. However, they might have to dumb it down a little since it looks like the bigger picture this season sailed right over a lot of heads. Oh for crying out loud. Did you actually watch the episodes? She had everything she needed on Dexter - they showed it. Plus Batista was coming with a whole file full. The ending was perfect and the only possible result. wow. Very perceptive comment. This ending was perfect. It was pretty emotionally sophisticated and it wrapped up multiple loose ends but as terrific as it was to see Dexter back in action. he could not endlessly escape. It will be fun to watch Harrison. This season took a little adjusting from colorful Miami to barren and practically black and white but this ended up fabulous. They redeemed themselves and then some for the last ending. I hope the show continues. Harrison is just an undeveloped kid at this point so the only to move forward is to keep Dexter alive as his mentor. They did take a long time to build up this season but Episode 9 was right back at the level of classic Dexter. It was quite an adjustment to have them go from so many major urban characters and beautiful sunny beaches to a tiny town in the middle of winter in bum-f nowhere. I hope so. This season is turning out just fine. The ninth episode was everything that was good about the original good seasons of Dexter. There is a lot that can be done with the father/son thing. Definitely enough for another season or two. Lithgow will show up again as Harrison's memories. Who knows what awful things he did to the kid while he was killing his mother. Kurt has made multiple references to the cameras in the woods. Some of them are obviously his. He has every reason to monitor those woods. Plus Dexter left a pretty big blood trail hauling the body and driving over it in the jeep wouldn't do much and it leads right to Dexter's cabin. Just because the police didn't check that route, it doesn't mean a psycho local wouldn't.