MovieChat Forums > DMT > Replies

DMT's Replies

It should be a crime to put gay propaganda onto tax payer streets... I always play Ballad of Chasey Lain at Karaoke Yeah fuck the NRA, stopped being a member after they were spineless on the bumpstock ban 28 Days Soundtrack is one of my favorites, listen to it all the time when working out I liked the movie a lot but did have times hard understanding what they were saying. In the one scene where Don tells the main character he fucked his friends girl he said something that he wasn't going to repeat. I rewinded it like 5 or 6 times trying to understand what he said but to no avail. Wish I had subtitles on but I pirated the film and didn't have access to them πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ Australian's use it the most I think She was a sexy old biatch You are a fat fetishist, she looks great skinny and was unfuckable when she used to be fat... I would rather get a coffee with a hot woman then you or jabba the hut She doesn't resemble a woman tho, looks like jabba the hut Too much work, I can assure you I look like a human tho, unlike Ms Alabamer I got a lot of work to do still but climbed 263 floors in 33 minutes today. My all time record, it would take this creature probably a couple days to do that without dying If they are only slightly fat and have huge monster titties to make up for it there can be exceptions. But she is so fucking fat she don't even resemble a human, or even a whale. Whales look more slim and elegant than this. She looks like some alien life form, has body parts that don't exist on normal earthly beings. That fupa is monstrous... Fat woman can't be hot, unless to someone who has a fat fetish Yeah that one isn't so hot either, very masculine looking arms, could very well be a dude I was eating a organic steak and had some free time to make fun of fatty mcbumbalatties, now gonna go play some tennis now with my siblings πŸ’ͺ🏿πŸ’ͺ🏿πŸ’ͺ🏿 Having nostalgia for it makes sense, my parents were immigrants and never cared about sports so I was never introduced to them at a young age. I can see having good family memories around it at a young age making it mean something. Keep enjoying it if that is what makes you feel good I get it is what most people do but I dont "get it". War movies are cool since I can't go to war without risking my life and health, comedy movies are cool since they make me laugh, watching people play sports is like watching paint dry. It is so boring for me McMurica is too soft on fat people, when I went back to Serbia one of my real friends fat shamed me for being out of shape. Now I cook all my own organic foods and workout 3.5 times a week. I look and feel amazing. Being "mean" and "ugly" is what fat people need to get them out of their negative mindset How is advocating people to stop watching sports and play them negative? Putting down the beers and playing basketball with your friends is a much more positive experience than sitting around watching it