MovieChat Forums > DMT > Replies

DMT's Replies

You have to watch history from both sides to fully understand it. We only learn it from the winners. Like any argument between two people there is three sides: Person A's side, Person B's side, and the Truth Nazi is a jewish invented slur, they like to be called National Socialists Watch Europa the Last Battle Alternative news How do you feel about the mass starvations pushed by jewish bolshivicks? Communism was funded by jewish bankers, brought about by jewish terrorists, and used to kill 10s of millions of innocent slavs thru artificial starvation and straight up torture. They don't teach you that in the history books, why? Because the jews get to write and curate our edumicational system... fox is jew run propaganda that caters to fat alcoholic fake ass conservatives, real conservatives don't watch that trash Her weight is monstrous, her body type is grotesque Y'all still a bunch of cuckboys suckin the inbred "royal" families dick even after all those years... Exactly China has connected their whole country with speed trains these past 20 years and what have we done? Went into crippling debt fighting jewish wars at our own expense... I lived in Korea, lots em them had big noses and have since got plastic surgery to look more "white", asians are obsessed with whites in a self hating weird way. It is a shame since I never found the girls ugly with their original natural features, plastic surgery should be illegal, it is a bunch of bitch ass doctors preying on mentally ill woman... Mike Obuma had his balls flailing in the wind during that Ellen dance video where ironically the song playing for them was that gay ass "Dont believe me just watch" tune The jew pushed porno industry makes no sense, how do you legalize the filming and distribution of prostitution but keep the less damaging private version of it illegal?!? slimy jew lawyer tricks is how... 👃 The jews control our country, we are their cucked dumb muscle... Says the jew run media... They care so much to give our politicians free child sex slaves to use in exchange for blackmail She is a cougar groomer at least, guy, possibly Yea we need more goyum to die in jewish wars... It should be a crime to put gay propaganda onto tax payer streets... I always play Ballad of Chasey Lain at Karaoke Yeah fuck the NRA, stopped being a member after they were spineless on the bumpstock ban