MovieChat Forums > Politics > French elections are so interesting...

French elections are so interesting...

I like how this might be all planned for calling a snap election. If the far-right take power now in an already bad state for the nation, it is up to them to fix it in a divided government which would be hard. Macron is playing the long game to show choosing far-right is bad which will sway the presidential election come 2027. Remember, people only think of the now and not the future. Wonder if this bold strategy will work or not OR the far-right proves itself to fix the current status quo.


France's people want Macaroni and his husband removed.


Is your latest conspiracy theory that Macron's wife is actually a man?


She is a cougar groomer at least, guy, possibly


Based on what evidence is she a "guy, possibly"?


Her husband not being a hard right extremist probably counts as evidence to these people , hence how Michelle O ended up in same boat


Mike Obuma had his balls flailing in the wind during that Ellen dance video where ironically the song playing for them was that gay ass "Dont believe me just watch" tune


Brigitte waited until Macaroni was 15 before going public due to France's age of consent but I bet the grooming started long before that.

It's no surprise that he was later going to gay clubs dressed as a woman.


>It's no surprise that he was later going to gay clubs dressed as a woman.

What in the flying fuck are you on about?

Are you referring to this?

Do you just uncritically believe anything you see online?


Another fact checker? Do you believe every fact checker you see online.

Macaroni is gay.


Dude, the source of him supposedly in a gay club was a doctored image.

How did you 'research' that Macron is gay and used to go to gay clubs dressed as a woman?

Where is your evidence that Macron is gay?
