OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

You are 100% correct. It's rather silly to set a tv show about black people in Bel-Air. The Windsors are an anachronism in the 21st century. They are also tied to some rather corrupt enterprises and individuals. Just look at their massive holdings of land and accrued wealth. The revolutionary in me wants to see them meet the same fate as Marie Antoinette - the guillotine. I want to see Harry and Meghan in a forced labor camp. But the more practical way in a democracy would be to remove their titles and give them a generous monetary settlement just to get rid of them. Lol. Off with their heads! I said I think Somali and Ethiopian women are beautiful. You like black women with big butts. Is that not attraction based on race? We all have personal preferences. Some like blondes some like brunettes. That's not racist. I can and do have a close Anglo friend or a close black friend. Sexual attraction is a different arena. I'm just attracted to Anglo women. And I think Beatrice in particular is a less attractive Anglo woman. And depending on how much I drank in the tavern. 🤣 This is actually an interesting board. I dislike the royal family, but it's a legitimate topic in relation to entertainment and celebrity, not to mention politics. Blasphemy! We need one. For example, embedded videos would be nice. Who does that? Think growth. I was the Admin on filmboards for 4 years. So I never posted here until a few months ago after I left FB. I must say MovieChat is far superior to FB. There is zero film discussion on FB though they have all the same IMDb board as here. But no one there bothers to use them. It's a gang of trolls. My only criticism of MovieChat is we need to be able to embed YouTube videos. And since the founder, Mr Parsons has disappeared, we need someone at the top to help grow the forum. There's so much great potential here. What do you think? Do the mods here have the ability to make any necessary changes? I'm still trying to fathom the power structure here. Why disrespectful? Because she's a member of that profligate royal family who suck off the teat of the British taxpayer? She's not completely hideous. But I don't find her attractive. Sub-Saharan would be black. I hope you're not racist. I find Somali and Ethiopian women to be especially beautiful. But I prefer darker Southern European women, Arabs, Latinos, South Asians, maybe Filipinos/-as. And I swing both ways. [–] Moderator5 (846) 2 years ago As a reminder, MovieChat's Community Standards prohibit "attempting to manipulate the Trending section". Posting to a board for the sole purpose of keeping it on the Trending bar violates this rule. For heterosexuals it's fine. I think a child, especially an infant, needs both a father and a mother. Two fathers? Uggh. I loved my father but every boy needs a mother. I just think it's selfish to bring a child into the world knowing by design it will never have a mother, or never have a father. Gay men should know better than to do this to a baby. No, that's why I'm a fag. Great disappointment. Actually, she's not my type. Too WASP. I like a more exotic look. I'd honestly say she's a 5/10, kinda chunky too. She has that House of Windsor pall, like Charles and William and the Queen. It looks to me like all the posts are genuine. I don't see why the mods have a problem with it. My post was a very real reaction to a rather stunning pic. I'm an anti-monarchist and I believe she should find a new job. But she's an interesting looking woman. As a queer man I say if you want to be a father, fuck a woman and breed your own. Homosexuality is non-reproductive for a reason. Surrogacy is a contrived cop out and no way to bring a child into the world. Ricky Martin, Perez Hilton at al - all idiots. Odd pic. But from the other threads here I guess I'm not the only one who noticed. Campbell's Chunky Soup changed their chicken noodle recipe about 20 years ago and completely ruined it. It used to be chocked full of noodles now it's like every other canned chicken noodle soup in a watery broth. That's the one which annoys me to this day. RIP and condolences to the family. But he was probably the most annoying comedian on earth, worse than Zelensky.