OnanTheBarbarian's Replies

Meh, it's forum history. You take the good with the bad. I demand an answer. There was not enough room in Genesis to give a complete list of animals. It's literature, the Bible speaks in generalities. When it says "two of every kind" it doesn't mean Noah dug up every species of cricket. Don't be too literal. It's very reasonable to believe that the mass extinctions of many animals were due to the flood. Skavau is on this thread. Just sayin'. That girl looks white. I think "more than half 'White'" ruins the Eurasian look. Real Eurasians, half and half, are usually very attractive people. Too much white just makes her look like a white girl. My niece is half ethnic Hawaiian (Polynesian) and half white - beautiful girl. That's not really Eurasian though. I have a friend who's half Japanese and half white - but ugly as fuck. Going to bed last night does not make me a sore loser. I haven't posted on filmboards since September 2021. I did not call you a "Nazi". The stereotype of Germans is that they are a very orderly tough people. I merely said it doesn't surprise me that you would think nothing of killing an unruly dog. Kristi Noem is ethnically Norwegian and German by the way. And I'm pointing out the irony that Noem acted like a "bitch" by killing a "bitch". Nah, you don't kill a pet because it's confuses chickens with pheasants, especially after you're been teaching it to kill pheasants. Here's a nice short video on unruly dogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leeVzgDfh0Q The woman is a monster. And you have to understand her motivation on the American political scene for telling the story. She thought it would make her sound like a tough lady and get lots of publicity so she would be Trump's VP nominee. She gambled and lost. I'm just warming up, girl. I'll be there in a minute. 👍 But you know Croft, right? The OP hasn't posted in 7 years so they didn't stay long. I dunno, were you and Kowalski even here 7 years ago? Reading that story, I don't think she did anything wrong, she had no idea what the man's intentions were for her dog, and she had every right to call the police. It has nothing to do with his race. Similar in "Ballroom Blitz" by the Sweet. Lead vocalist says other band members' names. <blockquote><i>Are you ready Steve? Uh-huh Andy? Yeah Mick? Okay Alright fellas, let's go!</blockquote></i> 🤣 <blockquote><i>Asians are smart and their woman age gracefully but having the small weiner would suck, still would rather have that small weiner than a big black one with the lower iq</blockquote></i> You win the thread!🤣 But I'd still rather be white. Asian cultures breed sheep. What happened in '98? How the hell am I "HATEFUL" because I don't believe an unruly dog should be shot by a callous manipulative politician? WTF is wrong with you, woman? By the way, I researched a little more, and this insufferable woman was training this poor dog to hunt pheasant. So it's rather obvious her lack of training skills is what propelled the dog to attack the chickens. This was a female dog. In English a female dog is called a "bitch". But the real bitch here is Kristi Noem, not the dead dog. Instead of trying to use this badly trained dog to hunt pheasant on a ranch, give her to a family with a nice backyard where she can play with a ball. Don't kill her. Also, I'm an anarcho-syndicalist, not a bomb thrower. I want to abolish government and replace it with workers' syndicates. Nah, I always catch whatever he gets, except this time with the garlic cure! In addition to being anti-inflammatory, garlic is also an anti-oxidant which prevents cellular decay. It also has anti-microbial properties. Look at it this way, the overwhelming stank kills germs. I chew it because that increases absorption. Cheesy. 4/10 The beginning instrumental sounds theatrical. But then comes the refrain. Annoying pop song. I'll say right off I don't believe in animal rights. The best animals are food. We treat animals humanely. But if dogs have rights then cockroaches have rights. No way in hell. But you don't just point a gun at a healthy pet's head and blow it off. The woman is sick. I'm not against euthanizing an animal as a last resort. But she admits she did it because she took a personal dislike to it. Bottom line, most Americans now see her as a callous bitch and her shot at a national career is over. I oppose the death penalty because I'm an anarchist. But I would personally shoot some of these serial killers in the head if I had the opportunity. Haha. Why are you taking pot shots at my forum? We started The Cave because we wanted a private forum with NO SOCKS and NO HATEFUL TROLLS. And we're doing just fine. We actually have as many daily posters as fb right now. We just have lives and don't use socks and don't hang out there all day. You can take the Nazis out of Germany but you can't take the "Nazi" out of the Germans. No right minded American would kill a rambunctious dog. We don't do that here. There are plenty of alternatives. Next thing you'll be asking for the death penalty on cats who kill mice and birds. Bitch is a rather innocuous word in the U.S. On my forum we banned the word "c*nt" which most Americans find objectionable. But we had to unban it because of too many complaints from the Brits and Aussies. It's all relative.