rushington's Replies

It's Cinemax I'd expect nothing short of excellency. Very boring for a highly anticipated film. I took to Wiki to read about the third act. a reasonable jew would side with her. this is not a religious battle, all it takes is a modicum of humanity to see through the lies and choose the right side. Is it raunchy enough or just throws sexy talk with no sauce? "Not a good sign on opening weekend" It's filled with Asian-American leads, I think it would fare better going straight into streaming. The two ex-wives trope seems so refreshing. This show is such a vibe and I can't get enough of it! It was great, caught me by surprise. There's one already made : Freedom Uncut. I don't read books but I'm enjoying this one so far, it looks like one of those early millenium legal dramas. I'm only happy when it rains and Stupid girl. I'm hoping to see more her in a leading role in a horror picture or a thriller. She was mesmerizing in the 2000s. S2 starts with different characters, I think they are turning this into an anthology series, whatever they call it. Idriss looks constipated in every scene he's in. That's what I did. I enjoyed the first season, it's dark, gritty and well-paced. Paul Benjamin Mendelsohn hit it out of the park. Does someone have any idea what the title Whiskey Tango Foxtrot means? This is my first time sitting for a Yorgos movie, I was entertained all throughout. I even laughed at some parts like when the queen was hysterically shoving cake in her mouth or when she pushed scarred lady Molborough off of her. Sentimental in some parts, brutal in others. A wholesome mix. I just assumed given her last name ;) Lol why put the face of an Egyptian actress instead of hers, that's Dina El Sherbiny. Is she one of Leo's below 25 handmaids. a decent 7. it's quite decent and messy at the same time but worth to sit for. Wokeism is homophobia in disguise. "I mean, doesn't my asshole have any rights?" "They're sticking Georges Clooney's head on a Thomas The Tank engine reboot" "Mona Giovanni...Javadi... Whatever, and the whole strawberry machine...Streamberry"