rushington's Replies

I pictured the same "deepfake" actress that played the lawyer when I saw the original, that's how good AI manages to be! RIP He's got a Lionsgate horror movie coming up this July. I'm halfway through season 3 and I'm not feeling it, I don't mind a lot of action if it was justified but I feel this season lacks a bit of substance but that's just me, maybe the upcoming episodes can change my mind. I enjoyed Season 2 a lot, it had everything I was looking for in a show. That's when I stopped watching. First half was quite intriguing. I'm pretty sure that's not how a muslim prayer is done. Besides who prays in a night robe! These minor details are very irksome and make me less sympathetic towards the characters and the whole film. I think it was brilliant and brilliantly made. She has schizoaffective disorder with bipolar tendencies. People live in this horror every day. there's a link : It fell flat in the last three episodes though. No major cliffhanger, lazy writing. Josh Duhamel looks in too good a shape too for a guy his age. kinda reminds me of Idle Hands. I'm not a big horror fan but I keep an eye on new popular releases, this one looks like a teen paint-by-number horror much like Bodies Bodies Bodies. I did like Barbarian though. I remeber to have seen the first couple of episodes but I wasn't hooked enough to continue. Should I give it another chance despite the "horrible" finale? Yeah that's the thing with TV shows, you gotta be in the mood for the genre otherwise you're just wasting your time. Now, I'm in the mood for a light comedy. Gonna give it another chance to grow on me :) "That said, if the phone rang, I’d do it" LMAO! It was a slow all-invading burner for an underwhelming finale. However, I gleaned a lot of enlightening tidbits after reading a FAQ article that compares the show and the original book and helps shed more light on what happened, here's the link for whomever is interested : Also, there's an after-credits scene in the final episode that alleviated some of the bitterness I got from the finale. It was laughably bad, I couldn't finish it. Great camp film from Bollywood. it stopped making sense in season two, when Barry got sent to kill detective Loache's ex's husband. I'm never trusting imdb's ratings again! I quit watching.