MovieChat Forums > SandyR > Replies

SandyR's Replies

She looks like she's trying to start a lawnmower. Please provide evidence supporting this. Please, no. "offending the fragile sensibilities of white supremacist" Difficult to believe anyone could write such a stupid sentence without blushing. Looks like that degree in Women's Studies is paying off! I heard they used to have great casinos down there! Projection 👆 It's not made for a three-second attention span, that's for sure. Sure... You must be one of them... Sounds about right. When you give lunatics enough power, they usually "eliminate" anyone who points out how crazy they are. 👍 I don't trust anyone who doesn't like this Christmas special. No. She's in the vicinity. I bet John Carpenter would get a kick out of that. The pride of Emily Dickinson College! And it has the best moment in all the Jaws movies -- the shark bringing down a helicopter! ...which has NOTHING to do with the conversation. Thanks for playing and don't forget to collect your consolation prize on the way out the door!