SixOfTheRichest's Replies

Sometimes it is a matter of the best of the worst. From an objective and fact based perspective, how the last NZ election panned out, has put a blight on the MMP model and failed NZ'ers. The democratic right and process of the people to make their decision by voting, was suddenly tarnished. They may as well have just handed Mr. 7.5% Of The Vote the reigns to begin with and save all NZ'ers the time and energy, not to mention the national expense of running the election. It will be in this case. No you're right, I believe more in negativity of heterosexuality. Those stats are not representative of the whole. Survey a different group and you will get different results. Your conditioning appears to be born out of your own projection of gormless absurdity and risible contempt for something you obviously fear. If you are concerned about the celebration of those that are gay, you can always go out and have a try hard hetero celebration. I'm sure it will be a blast....<i>eyeroll</i> National took the highest percentage of electoral seats and the highest percentage of popular vote, pipping Labor. In a proper regulated MMP system, the winner, who were National, get to rule, as is enforced in Germany. It was very disloyal to the NZ voting public, who largely voted for a National govt and also of Peters and the strange representation of NZ's MMP system, to make him a king maker when he didn't even win any electorate seats himself. He only got list seats based on the percentage. That is not winning fair and square and if you can prove otherwise, I will eat my hat. She is a posturing, virtue signalling little girl way out of her depth. I would have more respect for her if she did actually have the highest percentage of votes. And mark my words, she WON'T be there to annoy anyone after the September election. Yes. And if one does the math, Australia has about 5 times the population of NZ. The numbers pretty much even out on average per head of population. NZ is a small populated country, isolated from most and the COVID-19 death rate appears to be getting attributed, when there could be other possible health issues in the deceased contributing to why the person died. It is getting sensationalized. Jacinda Ardern is also about promoting her own image of self to win brownie points and she didn't even win the last election and is a phony pm. Bearing children is not the be all end all. If straight men didn't need women for sex, the majority of them would be hanging out with their buddies. It takes both genders to procreate and straight men are more about the feminine as an external aspect of themselves. Gay guys it is more internal. The balance of masculine\feminine qualities within is more finely attuned and honed. There would also be more males out there that many women would care to admit to, that are bisexual. If a male identifies as straight, it doesn't mean he isn't willing to engage in homosexual sex either. Society projects a safer and easier path to play the straight way. <blockquote>Even if I was prejudiced it wouldn't prove it my hypothesis was false......Male homosexuality correlates with misogyny plus there is a logical pathway of causation and you haven't done anything to debunk it.....Tell that to Milo Yiannopoulos. </blockquote>Nothing you have said proves your hypothesis is true. That onus is on you and a hypothesis isn't even real evidence, especially if based on anecdotal statistical evidence that is only one small tiny segment of a bigger picture. Milo Yiannopoulos is not the mouth piece, nor is he representative of all gay people. Sounds to me like you are a media zombie and one that will distort something into fitting their own world view, that isn't born out of rationale. Male heterosexuality accounts for more misogyny, if you care to factor in domestic violence statistics, rape statistics and even the "equality" issue in corporate positions. I'd say using women just for sex is a negative right there for straight men. Your narrow sighted prejudiced approach appears based on obsession with gay people and that is very telling and even weird. I don't live in the US, but am still waiting to be contacted by the welfare office to set me up for stimulus covid payment. I get texts from them reminding me not to call, not to reply by sms and that they will call me. Over 3 weeks now. <blockquote>You might disagree with my hypothesis, but I don't think it's an unreasoned one</blockquote> It is both unreasoned and distorted, which appears born of personal issues with homosexuality, so you can find justification to malign it. <blockquote>Hatred of men is also correlated with lesbianism. However I think everyone is already aware of that, but few are aware of the male gay side of it.</blockquote>Male and female dynamic, as already pointed out, does not quite operate in the same ballpark. Not all feminsits are lesbians either, that is the sterotypical image of feminist lesbians. Are gay men jealous of women, are lesbians jealous of men? Some will be, many will be content with themselves and comfortable with their gender. The gay male would also largely be less accepted than the gay female. Women are sexualized by straight men and hot lesbians would also be a turn on, not so for gay guys in the eyes of a straight dude. I don't want to trivialize prejudice of lesbians, but it is pretty much an empirical fact. Males do not necessarily need females, in the way that a society needs males, unless they want to be mothered themselves, or have them bear their children. <blockquote>If one is attracted to feminine looking people (which is in male nature) but thinks women are a plague (or is not attracted to them), there is logical pathway of him becoming attracted to little boys.</blockquote>You do realize that since the heterosexual population is the majority over a much smaller minority of gay guys, that there is a far greater number of young girls being sexually molested by males, than males molesting male children. In the CC it would largely be homosexual attraction, but those issues within this organized religion goes much deeper than just pedophile priests. By your logic, you are really stating that it would be a straight man that is attracted to young boys, because of the feminine characteristic in it. Gay men are attracted to the masculine, not feminine. <blockquote>...vicious anti-feminist who have negative views on women.</blockquote> No different to vicious pro-feminists, who have negative and misadrists views on males. <blockquote>My hypothesis is that being gay makes you more likely to not respect women or/and having negative views of women makes you more likely to be gay (or a pederast). </blockquote> Do you have a reliable source of data on this you can link, or is it just personal anecdotal ballpucky you are making up? I am getting a sense of bias, prejudice and bigotry from your perception of gay people, especially when equating homosexuality with pederasty. Does a heterosexual pederast have negative views on males? Conan The Barbarian is an impressive epic classic. If anything, Conan The Destroyer and Red Sonja would make a better comparison. I like both, but Barbarian is one of the best sword and sandal epics I have ever seen. You opened with a generalization by saying gay men were misogynist and historical societies ALL hated women. Using Japanese shoguns and Ancient Greek warriors as an example, is not really making a strong adept point. These guys were soldiers. I hardly think they would have had any use for getting in touch with their feminine side to connect with women. They had no time to be precious due to training and conditioning and many would have also sought camradiere in their fellow warriors, on a platonic plane and some even intimately. It is just what it was, and era contextual. It exists only in the eye of the beholder, as does everything. Women and Men can have a very different dynamic. One would have to go into all the layers and nuances of the sexes to find out why there are specific perceptions and idiosyncrasies between the genders and attitudes towards each other. The rest is just a specious and superficial stance to feel needed or on a par. Equality between the sexes cannot be an absolute either due to biological and physical differences, however this doesn't affect natural intelligence. A gay man does not need or like women in the same manner that a straight dude does. This does not make them misogynist. They embrace their own gender and are at one with it. They are comfortable with the gender they are familiar with. Take sex out of the equation, and what is it a straight male can get from a female, that he can't get from another man? Misogyny has just become another millennial buzz term. Men don't have to like women, anymore than women have to like men, yet women tend to give themselves free-passes for their own sexism. Does a woman who hates another woman make her a misogynist too? Gay men appreciate their own gender and are in connection and touch with it. It is not about misogyny, they just have women for besties, they don't need to use them for sex like straight men. Well, since sex is not social distancing, but this is not something they can control, or keep tabs on, it is not going to help with the non-spread of covid-19. It seems all a bit futile, despite all the efforts being made to contain and slow it down. I agree, but it is all a popularity contest. Why Don Ameche was even nominated for Cocoon -85', let alone won is just bonkers. There were 3 far better supporting male performances from that same film that had more depth and layers. Marlee Matlin winning a sentimental Oscar because she was deaf instead of Sigourney Weaver for Aliens - 86, and Cher winning an undeserved Oscar for Moonstruck - 87', when the other 4 nominees gave far better and stronger performances is staggeringly bamboozling. It was a perfect opportunity to award Glenn Close here as well for a still memorable and somewhat talked about classic performance of psycho in Fatal Attraction.