Overfiend93's Replies

Unofficially, this would be the series timeline for me... New Saga takes place in the reincarnated world at the end of Inferno Road, with the original cut ending of IV and the events of V being a bad dream Amano has at some point in New Saga. The fact it pisses off pretentious wannabe intellectuals like you is what makes it great to me. She's wonderful. I'd say 28 Days Later's Infected still just barely count as zombies, even if they're technically living, they're still mindless consuming killers reduced to the barest of base instinct. Ever since the Resident Evil games, most zombies are usually infected humans of some sort. Hell, it even goes back further to the 70's and 80's if you consider chemical contamination the same as infection. Amen to that! I love the 50's I saw it for the first time when I was six years old. This was around 1999 or so and I saw it as a late night movie on TV. It was completely uncut and I was both terrified and fascinated by the movie, watching it all the way to the very end. Honestly, I think part of why Night of the Living Dead feels older than it actually was is all due to the generic stock music they used, moreso than the fact it was filmed in black & white. The murky prints of the pre-Criterion releases combined with the stock music make it feel like some forgotten lost Universal Horror film from the 1940's or early 1950's as opposed to a movie made in the late 60's. Which colorized version? There's like four of them. A better question is why the fuck did Johnny come back as a zombie? He died because his head was smacked hard against a tombstone, presumably dying of brain damage. Maybe he was just meant to have a broken neck and it was filmed at a weird angle? Could've just been a mundane power outage, like a tree branch falling and knocking down the power lines. His entire theology, which informed the core ethos of Oliver Cromwell and Puritans on both sides of the Atlantic, the Second Era KKK, and the worst excesses of the Satanic Panic. Put it this way, traditionalist Calvinism preaches moral totalitarianism and believes that the majority of people are totally depraved and incapable of redemption and that they must be brutally repressed and oppressed so that a select few elect can achieve salvation while the majority burns in eternal torment. The man was a literal puritan and a tyrant who ruled Geneva with an iron fist If it helps at all, this movie is just a loose English-language remake of a melodramatic movie about a straight couple. That would probably explain a lot of the issues you and a few other lesbians have with the movie. Room In Rome is just "En La Cama" but with two women and in English as opposed to a man and a woman and in Spanish. IIRC, En La Cama is similarly melodramatic and artsy, which isn't really my style either. I'll admit that I much rather prefer grindhouse over arthouse. I do like this movie due to weird nostalgia because I saw it in 2011 and remembered liking it. But it does have a lot of arthouse cliches. It's still better than "Blue Is The Warmest Color" (which is a low bar to clear, tbh) Yeah, but it's simulated. True porn films have the actors actually having sex on camera. This is definitely erotica or "softcore" but it's not full-blown hardcore porn. There's also enough emotion and dialogue-based plot to give it an air of having a bit more respectability than the typical Skinemax softcore erotic film. Still, pretty much everyone except pretentious hipsters just watched this movie for the nudity. As a fan of Skinemax B-movies, I completely concur. It's also a lot better than Blue Is The Warmest Color, which pretty much was a male jerk off fantasy with far more delusions of grandeur, way more pretentiousness, and the guy who directed that one was an actual creep. Don't get me wrong, there's still some of that arthouse pretentious smugness in Room in Rome but it's nowhere near as bad as Blue Is The Warmest Color and it generally feels a bit more earnest and enjoyable. As far as anyone knows, the director of Room In Rome didn't creep on the actresses like Kechiche did. With this movie specifically, I'll cut the director some slack since it's pretty much just a loose English-language remake of one of his earlier films, En La Cama. En La Cama was pretty much Room in Rome but with a straight couple. Also, the dialogue in that one was in Spanish (his native tongue) and this movie is meant for an English speaking audience. You're an idiot and while the "everything is PC" is obvious bait, the rest of his criticisms stand up. Agreed completely and unironically. The remake was overrated and is typical Zack Snyder flashy action movie bullshit. The only good fast zombie movies were Return of the Living Dead and the original 28 Days Later It only managed to get as far as Frankenstein, sadly. Even though I did love both Dracula and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. And Night of the Living Dead, if you want to count that (granted, NOTLD was public domain and not Universal Monsters) Apparently, "Girls, Guns, and Blood" may not be Ms. Nguyen's last softcore outing. She's also working with Jim Wynorski on a Bigfoot-themed movie. I'm guessing it's gonna be a goofy comedy in the vein of Cleavagefield.