MovieChat Forums > Overfiend93

Overfiend93 (44)


Dang Lived in NYC in the 90's. This movie was very accurate View all posts >


Unofficially, this would be the series timeline for me... New Saga takes place in the reincarnated world at the end of Inferno Road, with the original cut ending of IV and the events of V being a bad dream Amano has at some point in New Saga. The fact it pisses off pretentious wannabe intellectuals like you is what makes it great to me. She's wonderful. I'd say 28 Days Later's Infected still just barely count as zombies, even if they're technically living, they're still mindless consuming killers reduced to the barest of base instinct. Ever since the Resident Evil games, most zombies are usually infected humans of some sort. Hell, it even goes back further to the 70's and 80's if you consider chemical contamination the same as infection. Amen to that! I love the 50's I saw it for the first time when I was six years old. This was around 1999 or so and I saw it as a late night movie on TV. It was completely uncut and I was both terrified and fascinated by the movie, watching it all the way to the very end. Honestly, I think part of why Night of the Living Dead feels older than it actually was is all due to the generic stock music they used, moreso than the fact it was filmed in black & white. The murky prints of the pre-Criterion releases combined with the stock music make it feel like some forgotten lost Universal Horror film from the 1940's or early 1950's as opposed to a movie made in the late 60's. Which colorized version? There's like four of them. A better question is why the fuck did Johnny come back as a zombie? He died because his head was smacked hard against a tombstone, presumably dying of brain damage. Maybe he was just meant to have a broken neck and it was filmed at a weird angle? Could've just been a mundane power outage, like a tree branch falling and knocking down the power lines. View all replies >