Sidha108's Replies

She may have been in the early stages of pregnancy. If not, her amazing looks in this movie probably contributed to her becoming pregnant. ;-) She may just enjoy the fun of campy action roles and getting to wear outfits that make her feel sexy. Maybe there could have been a scene in which she becomes intimate with one of her victims and uses her legs to crush them and bite their lips to allow her venom to work more quickly. I think a new 1984 adaptation would be good, especially now with it being the 70th anniversary of the book last year and the year 1984 is now farther in the past than it was in the future in 1949. I just hope they don't try to bring modern politics in too much (i.e. have Big Brother look like Donald Trump). That would make for a good dark comedy scene if Pamela Isley thinks of ways she can make herself look sexy for the garden party and she goes to one of the cheesiest-looking sex shops to show her ineptitude in regards to what is considered "sexy" and picks out pieces to create her costumes. Maybe Marcia could get Davy Jones to fight him since he was a boxer in a Monkees episode and their movie Head. Yes, it worked well with Batman Forever in the 1990s with a change in actors without rebooting the storyline, so they should be able to do the same thing in the 2020s. Poison Ivy would look pregnant since Uma Thurman had her first child (Maya Hawke) in 1998. Not necessarily but there maybe should have been a better release order to the movies/TV shows. There probably should have been a live-action "Empire Era" TV series released a few years after Revenge of the Sith. Then Rogue One should have been released as a sort of "big finale" for the prequel era of Star Wars with Carrie Fisher's appearance at the very end as hint that the sequel trilogy is on the horizon. Then do Episode VII and have Solo be the spin-off film that immediately follows since audiences would still be riding off the high of Force Awakens and the return of Harrison Ford as Han Solo and then do Episode VIII and IX but not the same two films we ultimately got. I’m fine with whatever direction they take, just not a “woke” Bond (i.e. gay Bond, female Bond). I have no problem with LGBT or female action characters, but they are not James Bond. I also predict Saul win end up winning in his court case with Kim or he will do something unethical and it will cause her to get fired and lead to them breaking up. Haha. I wonder how many times he got to kiss her to make sure the scene looked right. Maybe there should be a cover for a future Batman movie in which The Jokers teeth and mouth when he laughs looks like the Bat Symbol Have at least one catchy song like the soundtrack by Prince from the first one. True but this show has a clear plan essentially already laid out for what it wants to achieve since everything is intended to be tied up nicely to lead to a smooth transition into the events of Breaking Bad whereas an original show that is not a prequel can go in any direction it wants. Yes! If I like an actor or filmmaker in a show or movie I watch, I’m more likely to check out their previous acclaimed works. Things better in Batman 1989: - Jack Nicholson Joker - Prince soundtrack - scope of Gotham city I would say there are a variety of factors for why it has become forgotten (or at least trending away from “greatest shows of all time”): - not on Netflix - people under 30 years old were too young to watch it when it originally aired - no reboot/continuation (as of yet) - lack of main cast members who have appeared in other popular movies and shows to remind audiences their involvement in Sopranos - the show is too gritty to have reruns in syndication on network television Batman & Robin Kill Bill Pulp Fiction Bill Nye