Castortroy82's Replies

You're really reaching for straws with this topic. Switching spots in a swat van would require them to stop the van otherwise it's more dangerous and they could easily lose control of it. They could close the door but then what? Wait for the T-1000 to just keep shooting the vehicle until it eventually would be damaged far too much to drive, or just slam the brakes and wait for it to crash into the vehicle? It's simply an action scene and I commented on this already; slamming the brakes and close the door would be a pretty boring scene, any movie throws some logic out the window for the sake of entertaining the audience. So trying to nitpick this is pretty pointless and no a swat van door is not fully bullet proof. Depends on the rounds maybe a .22 or 9mm wouldn't penetrate much but any other caliber could. It's not exactly making bad decisions. The terminator was the only one capable of stealing the swat van, once they escaped the Terminator wanted to gain as much distance from there as possible. It's not like they had time to stop and switch spots. The T-1000 was on them, at that point why stop the van and be a sitting duck for the T-1000. They didn't exactly have the time on their side with everything going on. In response to Metatron: You can't read any topic on here without him tainting every thread stating how Geneysis is better than the classic Terminator films. I don't care if it's his "opinion" he screams troll or needs to stop huffing paint fumes everyday. I don't really care what you think. Fag Kyle acquiring the shotgun is more of a stretch than getting money. He had all night when he first arrived to get money who knows what he did. Rob someone? Not that far fetched he's already wanted by law at this point. I seriously hope millsey is just a troll. Anyone that can like the newer sequels over the classic ones doesn't have the elevator ride all the way upstairs. Hell it doesn't even leave the goddamn lobby. I will have to re watch Robocop and check out the scene with ED-209 fighting it, I remember it fired a missile and hit one of the walls but even if Robo was hit by one, we are talking about one hit correct? And it was already damaged by that hit alone, we can't assume the cobra cannon was less powerful or more since they were fake weapons and whatever explosive rounds they had don't really exist. In any event I'm sure if the terminator took a few hits from the ED-209's guns, or missiles it would still keep going. This is assuming the T-800 still has it's skin over the skeleton to absorb some of the damage, but I didn't try to turn this into a Terminator vs Robocop topic so we can agree to disagree or not that Robo and T-800 are equals lol As to the original question why couldn't Reese deal with the Terminator? Is it not obvious? He doesn't have access to military weaponry, and the Terminator can easily kill him if it's armed up the teeth with weapons of it's own. Since when was ED armed with .50 caliber rounds? If that was the case Kinney would've been splattered in pieces by the amount of shots he took. I doubt they were 9mm but .50 caliber is a long stretch. When was Robo hit by the cobra cannon I must've missed that. They missed him with every shot from what I saw. Also let's not compare the later Terminator sequels to the same rules as Robocop, cause the first two real terminator films would be the true terminator franchise. I don't count any of the later ones and I doubt the T-800's head would blow off from a .50 caliber in the true terminator films, but lets go with that logic. If that was the case how did Mr. Kinney take 200 shots from .50 caliber and not have his body splattered in pieces. Just saying what I have observed. It's obvious to me ED was not armed with .50 cal. This is a joke. Robocop was nearly defeated by the swat force, had it took one hit from the cobra assault cannon it would've been good night. Considering the terminator can function with half it's body blown in half, survive a tanker truck explosion. I doubt robocop would have survived that, sure if the terminator was unarmed in Robo's world enough hoodlums could take it down but so would Robocop as evidenced when it couldn't return fire against the swat team. I like both franchises equal but robocop loses if it goes up against a T-800. I wouldn't consider this a plot hole. The inside of the ship was more warmer than outside, granted they eventually went outside to try to find a lifeboat at that point they would be freezing being soaked from water, but when adrenaline and surviving instincts kicks in you'd be surprised what the body can fight. When did they have plenty of down time? They escaped from the police station and got stranded when their car ran out of gas. The next morning they went to the motel, are you suggesting then and there they should have tried to shop for wigs and stuff? Thank god you never tried making a movie it would bomb harder than pearl harbor. I'm sure they weren't thinking about fooling Wild E Coyote at that point, they wanted to shack up and rest and figure out their options since they were alone and had no support. I still find it funny you are getting so upset cause no one is agreeing with your idiotic plan. I'm sure if you had a killer cyborg after you the first thing you would think is buying a $10 wig and hope it would fool it, instead of maybe oh I don't know try to stop it or avoid it all together. I personally think you're a fucking idiot. I don't hate this movie, but I believe if this sequel was never made the Terminator saga would've ended at T2 which was where it should've ended. I mean really you make a sequel from 91 to 03? No one else asked for this movie to be made at the time and it should've stayed that way to keep a perfect saga from getting butchered. Your opinion of films is about as much use as tits on a church nun. I wish you were trolling but since you like the garbage fast and furious movies you probably believe what you are saying. Millions of Terminator fans would disagree with your idiotic statement. No actually it isn't, the pedals and steering wheels are completely mechanical. Cars today sure they are made of computer tech so I could buy that. But at the most, computer chips in 2004 only controlled emissions, power features, etc. Even Mercedes back then had way over engineered technology for the 04 models but even those were still mechanical as far as using the throttle and steering wheel. These were crown vics, a ford econoline van and I can't remember what the fire truck was but either way they were basic as far as engine computer chips limitations went. I'm saying just cause the T3 terminated itself is not the same thing to compare the other models. I guarantee if Cameron directed T3 he would not have let that be a possibility even if it meant succeeding in it's mission. T3's director would not have even prevented T2 from terminating itself. It probably would have literally let it just jump in the Molten bath like a ballerina. You're overthinking this because T2 was the only true sequel. T3 shit all over that, but if a terminator in the later sequels could shoot lasers out of it's eyes then you would question why couldn't the other T800s do that in the older movies. You can't compare T3 to T2 with it's rules. That's the point I am trying to make. I am aware you are talking about "THIS" movie Einstein. And your assumption that we are shown what the T800 is capable of perceiving is not entirely true. The POV of the T800 is due to the effects they had to work with at the time genius. For all we know the T800 has x-ray vision, it can certainly zoom with it's enhanced vision just cause you didn't see it doesn't mean it can't. You telling me a fake wig and glasses will fool a T800 is laughable. You can't be serious if you believe that. Cops have been able to catch killers that disguised themselves, now you're gonna tell me an advanced machine is less intelligent than cops? Also lets just say they would come up with that stupid idea, they escape from the police station massacre, rest up and get a motel room to get some supplies to defend themselves than the T800 shows up. It's not like they had time to come up with alternate plans because before they knew it the T800 was already on their tail thanks to Sarah being dumb and calling her "mom." So why are you even suggesting that they should've disguised themselves when they didn't have time to hardly catch a breath. Either way you are getting agitated too easily take a breather pill bud. Yeah I am a die hard Terminator fan, and if it was on TV I would watch it, and could notice every single change I mentioned. Even when they get dropped off at the motel and the truck honks that gave them a ride, the horn is different then in the better Mono sound track I mean that's just nitpicking but again why change anything that didn't need to be in the first place. I can't watch this movie with the current soundtrack they use. I will always remember this film with the dirty harry gun sounds from the T-800's laser sight gun. This topic is ridiculous. This is the 80s we are talking about, you been watching too much looney tunes if you think she could just fool a cyborg with a disguise. Exactly what disguise a wig and glasses? Her resources would have been pretty limited back then, it's not like she could go get facial reconstruction surgery without a hefty sum of money. I'm also pretty sure the T-800's vision is not easily fooled as you think. It could probably recognize someone's true face pattern like cops find suspects using their finger prints. Only thing I will agree with is that she changed her name and got out of the city, but that's not easy to do when you have no support, resources, and limited time. It's easy to compare today's era to 80s and think it would be as simple to do all this, but back in the 80s good luck with that. Lets not use the same logic with T3. The director wouldn't have even used the same logic in T2. That's comparing apples to oranges, the whole "that was a different model" itself is bullshit. T3 went against everything with T2 so no point to compare them. He's just a troll he even contradicted himself when he said most molten vats are enclosed. I seen steel mills before and yes they are just like how they were in the film. Go troll somewhere else kid.