TheTwoYutes's Replies

ok Schlomo. But muh six gorillion!!! They run Hollywood They run the banks They run the music industry They run politics But OY VEY don't criticize them!!! Get over it there were other holocausts in history and in the 20th century but you don't see people canceling others over saying something about it. Wade Wilson/Deadpool Peter/Peter I swear on my mudda Tony, dey had wooden doors! Stick to watching Twilight And Bugs Bunny! I guess that quack doc should have been fired. Walk Hard was spot on. They sent multiple terminators back in different locations to increase the chance of success. So is him get off with a slap on the wrist. If Bill Cosby had been a Jew he'd have gotten off with a slap on the wrist. OY VEY ITS ANUDDAH HOLLYWOOD SHOAH SHUT THIS BOARD DOWN!!! Dead? I didn't even know he was sick! What difference does it make what religion she is or are you just trying to stir the pot? Would love to see him do Spawn I'm my own grandpa in 3...2...1.. Batman vs Lurch who would have won? I'm surprised Ted Turner never tried it.