TheTwoYutes's Replies

Yep, and blacks are around 13% of the population if you adjust their crime numbers to reflect if their population was the same size as the white population their crime numbers would be numerous times over the white population. Simple statistics that the left refuse to acknowledge. America is ranked high in gun violence in the world, but if you remove the statistics of the liberal inner cities where the majority of the shootings/crime are committed by blacks America drops down the list out of the top 10. He looted a science lab to get there's that. I don't know if it was a SHIELD carrier, I do remember seeing a chopper that had THANOS on the tail. This would be great!! Middle aged veteran works a blue collar job Refuses to acknowledge workplace pronouns, keeps calling tranny coworkers he/him Coworkers band together to get him fired for discrimination He goes on social media to plead his case ANTIFA doxxes him, ruins his life, media portrays him as the bad guy Dude snaps, goes on a rampage Your rhyming skills were impeccable. Even God doesn't have time for this shit. Bullshit..I smoked for 15 years, have vaped for 10, had a scan of my lungs and they are clear as a bell. No, that even in the direst of situations, a man will bite a dog. Why? It's a better explanation than "We've had the same James Bond for 60 years he just looks different after 3 movies" YEAH BABY...YEAH!!! Biden can't even go two minutes without fumbling and grasping for a child. Yeah I'd love to see a documentary on the USS Liberty. Do you honestly think these high profile celebs have gotten vaccinated? Guarantee you everyone in high positions in entertainment and business have received a placebo. STFU and stop defending that nappy ho He's worth $6 million so maybe he needs to donate all that to everyone since he's so outspoken for socialism. He was too busy catching AIDS to care. I fapped to her after she died as tribute. She's seriously hot. She should do porn.