devidedstates's Replies

Typical unhinged leftist with Trump derangement syndrome. Can't wait to see him cry in November. The first one was so heavy handed with feminism. It wasn't even about Max himself. This has none of that? "Female Empowerment"? That is always the mark for Box Office Poison when it comes to movies or at this point all entertainment. I call bullshit Not a troll, queen Stfu. Even as a gay myself, I'm sick of this pandering garbage. Whatever. Those chronicles have stood the test of time. His dark materials don’t even come close. Even if this is from the source material, it is so heavy handed in all forms of entertainment that it’s just propaganda at this point. Agreed. They don't make um like this anymore. Funny, I seem to remember when Scarlet was dragged through shit when she played a live action anime character. The hypocrisy is astounding. Some reason it's only negative when white people do it. The last one was woke enough with the black lesbian magically surviving with her brother that was gutted like a fish. It's not even worth that. Stop giving money to Disney altogether. Even as a gay, I'm sick of this pandering garbage in entertainment That's where the show started to lose me. They relied too heavily on nostalgia... shopping montage to Madonna, New Coke, Starcourt craze etc Lucas's know it all, sassy sister was unbearable in the second half. The Never Ending story musical scene was super cringe. The tension between Steve and Robin was all for not since she plays for the blue team. Ben Barnes. Such a stud Her movies are boring and bland as fuck. That Little Women pales in comparison to the 90’s version. Good! Get woke, go broke. Actually there is a hint. The link that was provided above shows it. The dialogue in that scene was never in the original script… That was recommended by Meryl Streep to put it in last minute. It felt very unnecessary and out of place. Ummm how dare you assume that it’s one of the two archaic genders! Maybe it hasn’t decided what gender it identifies with! Typical white cis-male! Not surprised 🙄