MovieChat Forums > Wojenne dziewczyny (2017) Discussion > Anybody else watching the tv series "War...

Anybody else watching the tv series "Wartime Girls" (Wojenne Dziewczyny) on ChaiFlicks or wherever else it airs?

This show is an interesting confection of what happens when modern sensibilities that dominate modern television try to meld with a real (based on history) war drama. Is anybody watching?

Just wondered what others think of this show, or all the others like it that we have these days, that try to make a second world war world "authentic" with clothing, cars and filming in old places in Europe that still have the old buildings--but bow to the youth crowd that apparently will not accept strictly period looks for the women, who instead are required to look like TikTok stars.

One woman runs all over the countryside and city committing operations with a massive curly mane of distinctive strawberry blond hair, bouncing all over the place, another example of which probably does not exist anywhere else in Poland. But hey, between ops, she apparently can spend 3 hours a day with a 1940s curling iron perfecting the head of long curly locks.

She knocks over ammunition trucks, does ops in offices, countryside, etc., her unique hair always flying all over the place, not any kerchief over the face, always seen by the Germans, or civilians driving the truck. In a house. In a jail!

But there she goes again--hatless, scarfless, kerchief-less commiting her ops all over Poland as is. It became ludicroud by episode 2. By the 4th season, it was just insulting the viewer's intelligence, ha.

And in Warsaw with a war on, there is an endless supply of red lipstick, red nail polish, plenty of stockings for the "girls" to wear, and absolutely endless normal cigarettes in Warsaw that everybody smokes copiously, often tossing away a half-smoked cigarette. What? Do they not know there is a war on? Haha.

The young female resistence fighters regularly ignore orders, do their own thing that jeopardize all of their fellow fighters, but it's obviously a nod to the modern again--I'm sure if the resistance bosses came down really hard on them, the commenters watching the show would go bonkers saying how unfair that was and get triggered by the micro-expressions of the hardened resistance bosses.

Oh well, the show obviously has a very serious topic, but is only a moderately serious show due to all the modern character and behavior sensibilities. But it's a Polish language show and has 5 series, so a lot to watch if someone is interested.

Just make sure your eyes don't get a serious sprain from constantly rolling them in amazement at the inauthentic nonsense that can harm the versimilitude, if that's important to a viewer.

The series makers put a Gidget Goes to War vibe to it, which means they must think a seriously authentic show about 3 women in the Polish resistance in Warsaw won't be watched. But as the old saying goes it is what it is.
