FilmQuestions's Replies

Not that long ago most people only lived to their 60s or early 70s, so life was a bit more urgent. Now making it to 85-90 is not unusual. If you stay in good health you'll have plenty of time to accomplish everything you want. The funny part is that the baseball team that is now in Miami has the worse attendance in the league. If the movie were real, the team would have moved back to Cleveland! Brock mentioned an insurance claim was filed for the lost diamond. He asked Rose if she knew who would have filed the claim - and correctly answered Cal Hockley. If the insurance company was still around they would probably have a claim on the diamond since it was not lost after all. People slow to go on the left turn arrow drive me crazy. Someone will honk the horn. Then they always give an annoyed glance in the rear view mirror before finally taking off as the light is turning yellow to red. I often see that mistake. None was originally a contraction of 'not one' and somehow lost its apostrophe over time. The storyline still holds up after 30+ years, so that helps. Silicon Valley is as important as ever. Horse racing is still popular amongst the jet set too. Some older Bond films with the Soviet Union or some madman trying to control the world are an outdated plot nowadays. One news reports says this highway is called The Highway of Tears. Over the years there have been an unusual number of people who disappeared or were found dead along this highway. I guess the highway's remoteness attracts some bad characters. Where I currently live we had 2 thunderstorms in recent days but no measurable rain. That happens about half the time we get a storm - lightning, thunder, wind - but only a few drops of rain. I sometimes miss the lazy, slow-moving storms where there's a steady rain that lasts for hours, and an occasional clap of thunder off in the distance.