Burgershmurger's Replies

Third season was a mess. Too much padding and unnecessary woke crap. It's definitely a plot hole. Don't be so binary, dude! LGBTQRTUV+-÷× is the real deal. Word. It's like with any brand sold to another company. It's the same brand name but run by different people and ideologies. Screw Disney! Anticipation for some sjw fan fiction that has nothing to do with Lucas' vision? Rofl Yes. Virtually all homosexuals were sexually abused and even raped in theit formative years or came from dysfunctional families. George Michael admitted that he turned to other men for comfort because he had a strained relationship with his father. Look at all the issues gay have: promiscuity with hundreds of partners aka sex addiction, rampant STDs, alcoholism, drug addiction, violence incl. domestic violence and high suicide rates. Thus, gays have a much shorter life expectancy. Now tell us how healthy and normal it is. God Almighty is smarter than humans. To promote homosexuality as congenital means downplaying the dangers of sexual abuse. Yes, it was all in his head. Yeah, way too much gratiitous sex. Who wants to see Martin Freeman at it like in some chinzy porn? Porn is all over the internet. Why do producers still feel the need to put sex into shows? Who gives a toss about libtard sjw pseudo journalists! Mexico is indeed a shithole and human trafficking is real. Why is depicting reality racist? True. I don't get all the praise. It's average, And how do you know he did rape them? All we have are accusations without evidence made ny some gold diggers represented by gold digging lawyers. The US justice system is an open invitation to people suing celebs gor filthy lucre. Just because he was found guilty it doesn't mean he is guilty. Too many gold digging whores are out there to cash in on celebrities. Funny Games sucks. The director is an arrogant prick and thinke horror fans are sick. But we all know the violence is fake. So what's so bad about it? Real life is the real horror and horror movies help us cope with our lives and feelings about reality. True. Like the rat that he is. A pathetic, sad man. All in all, season 4 was the weakest of them all. There's nobody we really care for anymore, then again, even Cirro was a pos considering the many murders he committed. What are you on about? There is no Ciro at the end of season 4. Did you mean season 3? Initially, Amy was as neurotic and uptight as Sheldon and she was hilarious. Then, they decided to turn her into a ditzy broad who's constantly horny which is the opposite of who she used to be. And yes, she keeps berating Sheldon instead of agreeing with him. She's a different person and Amy in name only. It's very annoying. True. I just don't understand why they portrayed George as so inept and yet they got him laid. Yeah, but what's the point pitting them against each other again? And who cares who wins anyway? They're both unbearable.