MovieChat Forums > ABee > Replies

ABee's Replies

I saw it on my TV. I would have loved to have seen it in the theatre though --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] I hope that's true --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] I kinda liked it when I first saw it. But now I can't make it through it. I always end up thinking of something else to do and shut it off. The 3D is still some of the best though --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] This was the first movie I saw in the cinema that truly scared me. I was only about 13 and I'd bought into all of the hype surrounding it. I was one of those people that thought it was a true story. There were a ton of kids my age thought that thought it was terrible though. --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] Despite agreeing with just about every critisism I've read about this film I still really, really enjoyed it. I think I just love the chaos of the whole thing. None of makes any damned sense. --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] I am so glad they didn't go with the witness protection thing. That's so dumb. They change your name in WP! --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] I don't know, I think the earliest movie I've seen her in is Absence of Malice and she's perfectly fine in that! --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] Yeah, I really enjoyed this. I'm not sure what the RT score is all about. --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what happened. But as others have said, she's still their mother. --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] Who the hell cares? --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] He was amazing in pretty much everything I've seen him in. Though I agree he is more of a character actor than a lead --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] Yeah. I think he said he should have cast Janeane Garofalo as the lead instead --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] As technologically minded as I am, the one thing I've never managed to wrap my hear around is printers on a network :') --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] Ah, thanks for the tip! I didn't realise html codes would work here --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: [url][/url] I really love him in The Chase. He's so calm and collected throughout everything that happens! --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: I love the music that's playing over the opening sequence of Earth --------------- Check out our review channel: I guess they figured no one would go and see it in the UK. Then again I saw Captain Marvel over the weekend and the cinema was only a third full. --------------- Check out our review channel: Isn't Isn't It Romantic Netflix? It is here in the UK --------------- Check out our review channel: I don't know. I didn't dismiss either, and I liked the sequel. It wasn't directed as well but it was still good. --------------- Check out our review channel: I saw a movie called Prospect recently that was pretty good. It's definitely inspired by Firefly, but it's its own thing. Also, get to Ex Machine already!! --------------- Check out our review channel: