MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Fav Brando Roles?

Fav Brando Roles?

the godfather
on the waterfront
last tango in paris


Apocalypse now, I know some people don't like his performance in it but I think it works.


I really love him in The Chase. He's so calm and collected throughout everything that happens!


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Hi, ABee,

It helps us when Direct Links are used. How to do a Direct Link:

Directly in front of the link type [url]

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Ah, thanks for the tip! I didn't realise html codes would work here


Check out our movie review show:


You are quite welcome!☺️ I have to admit I know nothing about html codes, computer language, etc., even though my husband was a computer/programmer analyst. My knowledge is gained by assistance from other folks, researching leading to being self-taught, trial & error while still not understanding computers. Mechanically...I do better. I have repaired many problems, reformatted my long ago Toshiba (which eventually gave up the ghost) all by doing research. Also, back then the computers came with all the installation discs. I set up my daughter’s wireless network including her printer.

Now if only I could keep my Brother All-In-One printer connected to my network using a fairly new dual band router! Everytime I want to print I have to go through the set-up procedure!


As technologically minded as I am, the one thing I've never managed to wrap my hear around is printers on a network :')


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As I wrote in another Thread....”Sayonara” was great. For those who haven’t viewed yourself a so! Brando was superb in his role (nominee for Best Actor). A lot of young teenage girls, including me, fell in love with “Major Lloyd Gruver” from Virginia!

Edited March, 15, 2019 to read “teenage girls”.


i never saw this, thx


If you are familiar with the now deceased comedian Red Buttons, be prepared to see a serious side to him in this movie. He won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in Sayonara.

If you decide to purchase be certain to buy for your Region regarding DVD’s.


apocalypse now
on the waterfront.


The Missouri Breaks is a fun oddity. Also has that weirdo Randy Quaid and the great character actor Harry Dean Stanton.
