MovieChat Forums > ABee > Replies

ABee's Replies

:') To be fair the music did make it sound like that's what was happening :) --------------- Check out our review of American History X: It's such a revolutionary movie. I love watching it. Brando is so good, as is the man who plays the priest. --------------- Check out our review channel: I just have a playlist with everything I like (about 5000 songs) and I shuffle all of them whenever I'm out and about. That way I get lots of different genres all the time. --------------- Check out our review channel: I think his fate was sealed. Derek would have killed him another way. --------------- Check out our review of American History X: It's funny how the guy from the laundry room was doing more time then Derek and all he did was drop (or throw) a tv at a police officer --------------- Check out our review of American History X: I know, right? The OP is assuming that just because these guys are black they'd automatically be better than anyone else :') --------------- Check out our review of American History X: That's the way I've always read it too. Seth is an absolute pig though --------------- Check out our review of American History X: Oh I'm not worried about their performances at all. I'm 100% they'll be good. The de aging CGI they'll be using however....That's a worry --------------------------- Check out our review show: Thanks for the suggestions! I can't wait. But I'm always really nervous when a movie I'm looking forward to is nearly finished. What if it's crap? I mean, It's Scorsese so the chances are slim, but you never know! --------------------------- Check out our review show: I'm hoping so. I've booked a cruise for next year. It's fairly cheap and I'm paying it off monthly. Can't wait! --------------------------- Check out our review show: It always comes up on my shuffle on Spotify. I make a point to not click it off. It's pertty humbling! --------------------------- Check out our movie review show: Cameron? (I kid, though I do love him) Everyone always recommends La Dolce Vita, it's good to hear some other movies from someone! Thanks, I'll check it out :) Yeah, the Fool really is aptly named. I don't think he deserved what happens to him, but you really shouldn't constantly poke the strongman! ---------------- Here's our review of La Strada: It's such a great movie! It's the only Fellini movie I've seen. I must check out more! ---------------- Here's our review of La Strada: Wow! Where is this? I wonder if it's still there! ----------- If you have time check out our review for Big Fish here: It's really hard to not cry whilst this movie is on :( ----------- If you have time check out our review for Big Fish here: I kinda liked the accent being a touch over the top. Not that it's much of an excuse but it fits the theme of the film :p ----------- If you have time check out our review for Big Fish here: This is a movie that I would use to introduce someone to Burton. it has all of his little flourishes throughout. It's perfectly balanced. ----------- If you have time check out our review for Big Fish here: