MovieChat Forums > Druff > Replies

Druff's Replies

I wish I had a nickel for every "I don't follow _________ but my college professor does and he said __________" post from this goof. Evil? Maybe not. But as a person, as a human being, he's a bully, an arrogant prick, and generally a piece of shit. You'd have to be a bona fide asshole to admire a cocksucker like that. Before I watched it, I read that Vincent Gallo himself wrote the music in the soundtrack, that it was recorded by his band he had back in the early 1980s. When I heard the song in the end credits, I thought, "Jesus Christ, this dude was seriously talented, he should've been a professional musician!" Then a bit later I discovered it was actually a song by Yes from their debut album in 1969. >Like when he says "whoops," the other guy says "is that all you know how to say is whoops." Rocky should have jumped in >the ring and beat that guy senseless. The difference between them is that guy in the practice ring is a nothing/nobody with a piece of shit where his heart should be, and Rocky has the gold heart of a champion. Which is why he didn't even consider going HAM on the prick. Guessing you dozed off during the scene when Apollo was reading all of his "ROCKY WON, YOU BUM" hate mail to his wife. You can easily google to find old discussion threads from way before TLOU2 was even announced where people try to figure out how many humans are left alive 20+ years after the Cordyceps pandemic hit in 2013. They reference specifics in TLOU1 and show receipts. It's at least several hundred million, possibly one or even two billion. Way way down from the actual irl 2013 world population of ~7 billion, but still a fair amount of human beings sprinkled here and there around the globe. And there's literally nothing in the games themselves that casts any serious doubt on the successful creation of the cure. People like you do all of the necessary mental gymnastics to believe that so you can continue to see your beloved big strong video game hero daddy Joel as a pure white hat angel who never did anything wrong in his life, but was done dirty by the SJWs at Naughty Dog to punish him for being a straight white cis male. > I thought they were average looking, which makes sense for a movie like this. Doesn't make sense when according to the screenplay the character is supposed to be a bona fide beauty on par with "Grace Kelly." PTA's craft is undeniable in this, and I'm sure it's rich and bursting with various references to things that I would need a guide to know about. But as a movie, a piece of entertainment one must sit down and pay attention to, I couldn't stick with it more than 30 minutes at a time. I've never had any issue staying riveted to one of his movies before. Based on what little I knew about Phantom Thread, I expected it to be boring. It wasn't, not even remotely. As much as I failed to enjoy Licorice Pizza, I still had no problem just sitting and watching it, it held my attention easily. But Inherent Vice, my mind kept wandering. I kept looking at my phone. Something would happen in the movie that would trigger me to do a google search about something, simply because that was more interesting to me than the movie itself. It had a few cool moments here and there, but overall... bleh. It'll be a looong time before I would ever want to sit through this again to see if multiple viewings helps. Fuck Bill Maher. But especially FUCK Dummy Dore. There was maybe one long shot of Claudia alone in her house that seemed like it was either belaboring a point or not making one at all where I thought, "Jesus Christ, can we move on, please. While we're young." Other than that, I wouldn't want him to touch a thing. I love Kevin Smith movies and he seems like a cool dude, but gosh what a lousy look. Reminds me of Quentin Tarantino giving criticism on Hitchcock and Kubrick movies, and talking about them them personally as if he's their peer. Smith and Tarantino make cinematic junk food, they're just lucky people like me love the taste of junk food. Smith criticizing Magnolia is like a grill jockey at McDonalds criticizing the master chef at the Waldorf Astoria. Know your place, heart attack. Her performance was fine. The movie itself bending over backwards to make her out to be some kind of enchanting beauty queen was hilarious. Grace Kelly, my ass. I do credit LP and Alana for leading me discover the band Haim. Their music blows, but there's the great amount of amusement I get from watching the bass player on stage, playing the simplest weak sauce bass lines ever and making goofy faces as if she's playing Yngwie Malmsteen solos on a 12-string, and then whining to the press that calling her out for it is "misogyny." I love his movies, I have since I saw Reservoir Dogs on VHS in 1993. Even the weaker shit like Jackie Brown and Deathproof are still at least watchable. That said, his movies are the cinematic equivalent of junk food. I fucking LOVE junk food. I'm having Taco Bell for dinner tonight. But no junk food in the world can beat an amazing gourmet meal prepared by a bona fide master chef. Ergo, as much as I love Tarantino's movies, I still lol and shake my head in disgust when I hear him criticize directors like Hitchcock and Kubrick as if he's their peer. Dude bought into his own hype and sucks his own dick too much. But his movies are killer. Best post of this thread. In this case, absolutely nothing. Remember the landlady in Kingpin? "You really knocked somethin' loose in me, tiger..." Alana Haim reminds me of her. Downright fugly. When the Sean Penn character called her Grace Kelly, my eyes rolled so hard I almost puked. "Accept the mystery." edit after reading more of you posts in here: If I took in movies the way you do, if I watched a movie like Magnolia and what it brought to my mind were these insipid questions you want answered, I'd eat a buckshot salad for dinner tonight. Frankly the more I see of Burt Reynolds via various interviews over the last several decades of his life, the stronger the impression I get that he was such a bona fide mega D-type personality down to his core, it just made him a miserable prick about pretty much everything. Technically, he could have been referring to animals. But only an absolutely blithering idiot would assume that. Any reasonably intelligent person would assume he was very obviously referring to children.