MovieChat Forums > Druff > Replies

Druff's Replies

I loved the original Gremlins, but never had the slightest bit of interest or curiosity about the sequel. I recently watched the original in 4K and was reading trivia about it... supposedly Joe Dante himself thinks Gremlins 2 is the better movie. That's what made me want to finally see it. I wouldn't say it's better than the original, but it's a good fun time. I just read some trivia- Supposedly when Zach Galligan was invited to reprise his role as Billy in the sequel, he met with Joe Dante and casually mentioned he always thought the midnight rule was dumb because "it's always midnight somewhere." And Dante said, "Me too. We're totally making fun of that sort of thing in this one." More accurate: Originally, Clamp was based on Donald Trump. But Glover was so likeable in his auditions that they decided to rewrite it. Any movie about monsters terrorizing people is going to get classified as horror. Finally watching this for the first time now. The moment I saw Phoebe Cates my first thought was "What the hell happened?!" Her neck got twice as thick. And that hair style wasn't doing her any favors. Thank you for speaking up. I just re-watched Gremlins for the first time in about 20 years and I remember back then, enjoying it and thinking it was a fun and funny and madcap science fiction fairytale that taught a basic lesson about responsibility. But after watching it now as a mature adult, I saw that it was actually just an excuse for abject animal cruelty and violence against animals. After I finished it, I drank a bottle of wine in bed and just cried for hours face down in my pillow. I remember seeing both in theaters, but I have no idea which was first. A bunch of us got together to go see Ghostbusters, like six of us. It was a big deal. Pretty sure I saw Gremlins with just one buddy, definitely not so much of a big deal. That doesn't really change your point. It's still that people living in the 1980s were more able to accept the premise of the story out of their own ignorance. It doesn't matter if it's completely internal or projected onto the characters in the movie. It's absurd either way. You're on the right track about the internet changing things, though. It provided a conduit for the geeks of the world to find each other in places like this message board. Like-minded doofs who are unable to watch a simple kid's movie, literally a modern fairytale, without second guessing every single detail to find fault with it and feel superior. Dorks who back then would have been isolated in their social strata because everyone around them was annoyed by their idiotic "omg this creature is so unrealistic, I've never seen one have you?" bullshit. Those dorks have ALWAYS existed. You honestly think in the 80s we were watching Gremlins and thinking, "I've never seen an animal like that, but maybe they really do exist in China, who knows?" HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Mr. T and Ferris Bueller. You lucky bastard. I just read some cool trivia. Before Mr. T was famous, Stallone saw him on a TV show as a contestant in a 'tough guy' contest. He made it to the final event which was a boxing match between the last two standing contestants. The host asked Mr. T what he thought of his opponent and he said, "I don't have a problem with him. I just feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for any man that would have to fight me." After he was hired to play Clubber Lang, Stallone had that in mind when wrote the line in the screenplay, "I don't hate Balboa. I pity the fool." Autistic people are usually pretty cool in person. On the internet they're annoying as fuck. Especially when they try using obvious things like caps lock to create what they think is an "identity" that distinguishes them from others. Particularly their alt accounts, for example. So are you in fact Kowalski, Moonglum AND millsey? Anyone else? I'm glad you're an autistic dipshit because it's amusing. I was just never interested. I was 7 when the first Rocky movie was in theaters and a huge hit, and I couldn't have cared less. I was all about fantasy and sci-fi, never saw the appeal in boxing or sports in general. I finally saw Rocky many many years ago, thought it was OK, never bothered with the sequels. I bought the blu-ray box set ages ago but it just sat collecting dust in my backlog. Last week Carl Weathers passed away and I decided it was finally time. I'm loving them now, these are fucking great movies. I just watched IV for the first time last night and it was very clear, Apollo came right out and said it in plain English. He thought since Drago had literally zero experience, he would be "clumsy" and not know how to move as a boxer and would have no chance of winning versus a very experienced ex-champion such as himself, even without recent training. IMO the flaw is the writing more than her acting. Yep. My friends and I knew it was fake in the 1970s. We were talking about it in front of my older sister and she said everyone knew it was fake when she was a kid in the 60s. I just googled it and read that pro wrestling was considered legitimate up until the 1930s, which is when it first started to become "theatrical and scripted." So much for millsey's "I heard it became fake in 1985" report. I still hope to one day read a post of theirs that isn't 100% moronic gibberish. This post was really funny. I guess some people far over on the spectrum actually can develop a rudimentary sense of humor. I learned about Motorhead from constantly seeing their logo on t-shirts and leather jackets etc. when I was a punk in high school a billion years ago i.e. the mid 1980s.