Ripkens25's Replies

It’s kinda funny...they weren’t sure how to leave a placeholder for Dutch (in case they can ever get Chad McQueen to do a cameo), so they put him in the joint. I suppose that makes sense—Dutch was a hothead. And you sound like a troll, or just not very smart. Or both. Maybe it’s because the snow and ice build-up on the tracks. If they don’t continue to move (and plow through the ever-accumulating snow), they’re dead stuck. Plus, movement generates kinetic energy. A moving car generates heat easier and quicker than a parked car. Maybe they invented an engine that can re-channel that energy. They can get their dues by starting new, fresh franchises......not hijacking previously established ones. There's striving for equality, and then there's slamming the pendulum all the way the other way and breaking it in the process. Why try turning Superman into a female and minority....when you can instead create a new superhero and make her a minority female? THAT...would be cool and creative, not silly and obvious pandering, which is not's patronizing. liscarkat....this post is spot on across the boards. One of the best I've seen in a long time. 100% AGREE. I'd say the Letterman/Ferguson one-two punch was a good one....and yes, probably the last bastion of good late night talk shows, before it all went really bad. However, they (and their shows) were not both in their primes when they were back to back. Those of you lucky enough to remember Dave back when he was on later (after Carson) at 12:30....remember a completely different David Letterman. He catered to college kids staying up late. He wasn't NEARLY as political....and when he was, it was even-handed to both sides. When Dave was on at 12:30, he was less polished, more subversive, more daring and more creative. He'd do everything from man-on-the-street throwing various items (like watermelons) off the roof of their building. The city of NY became a huge player in his comedy and bits. Instead of suits every night...he wore khakis and a baseball hat. Dave was loose, irreverent and fun. And he'd have a lot of subversive and unique guests Sandra Bernhard, an early and less-known Howard Stern, Warren Zevon, etc...). Dave lost a lot of his edge when he moved to the 11:30 timeslot....and eventually he turned into a liberal, hateful db....who had a lot of hate in his heart for conservatives. I still liked Dave (primarily for how great he was during my college years)....but he turned into kind of a dick...albeit still a talented one. Ferguson would not have flourished in the earlier timeslot. He was good at being that hidden gem in the late timeslot that you just kinda discovered (rather than the glossy, corporatized 11:30 guys who get all the commercials and advertising). He was more like the way early Dave used to be. Subversive, naughty, a rascal who liked to push the envelope and see what he could get away with....sometimes just to crack HIMSELF up! Back in the day, you never really knew what political "side" the hosts (like Johnny, Jay, Dave) leaned toward. Their humor wasn't hateful or was even-handed on both sides, rather than a biased agenda. These days....guys like Colbert and Seth Myers are SOOO far to the left, they don't even pretend to hide their bias, their hate and their cherry-picked agenda. Effng jerks. I can't stand either of those weasels (and I'm an Independent, BTW). LOL, right. Nam looked like someone's backyard. It is interesting, seeing Kreese's back story, and what drives him. (Spoilers): I liked the head the diner, when you think for sure it's gonna be the bully that is young Kreese, and it turns out to be the waiter being bullied that is Kreese. They end up doing another head fake with regards to young Terry Silver. (I thought obviously it would be the guy with the ponytail). I think Johnny calls Daniel a “twerp” at one point as well. Oh wow, DUCTH! That's right! Where the heck has THAT guy been?? I don't think it's a plot hole. I think it's supposed to be funny that he was supposed to return the van and just never bothered to. Thomas Ian Griffith participated in one of those Josh Gad Reunion zoom calls with the casts of the KK films plus Cobra Kai cast back in December (it’s on youtube and it’s pretty great). They all seemed to be a tight-knit group, so you never know. Heck, if they can get Elizabeth Shue back....they can pull this off. ( fear is, the return appearance of Ali may be when this awesome show/series hit its apex. How do you top that? I’m worried anything after that episode will be a gradual decline from the mountain top. But I hope I’m wrong). (Spoilers) It’s interesting, because they kinda played it up like the guy with the ponytail in the Nam scenes would obviously be Terry Silver...but then they go and kill him off, leaving the clean-cut guy to apparently be Silver. The ponytail guy even called him Johnny in a similar way as Silver does in KK3. I thought for sure it was him. Excellent point, Hans. Next time I will soften it up. Next time I will say: “In case people haven’t seen it, you really should put a spoiler warning at the top.” Because I agree: In case people haven’t seen it, a spoiler message should be included. Exceptional suggestions, hans. No, you're not paying attention. I said I had already finished season 3. I simply mentioned....if you're going to call out a bunch of specific plot's pretty customary to mention spoilers are coming. This, in case there IS someone who hadn't yet completed the entire season. This is entirely possible. Someone shouldn't have to completely finish the season before stumbling upon a thread saying "I finished Season 3!" and being curious. If you noticed...all the conversations were high-level (meaning non-specific)...and were about the enjoyment of the season itself...and about how a season can be called a "series" in other parts of the world. Nobody...was discussing specific plot points. When someone DID decide would have been a good call to mention "Spoilers Coming". It's just.....a customary courtesy on this site. You'll see it often. And the mere mention of this....should not generate a rude and ballastic reply. Again.....I didn't come to this particular thread with any illusions that there wouldn't possibly be spoilers. But occasionally...there may be someone who DOES come to the thread having NOT finished Season 3. Someone who has been enjoying the various seasons and likes checking out various conversations as they go along. (To Holly61)....When life knocks you down, you can either lay down and die, or get back up and keep punching. How cold and vile you must be, with zero sympathy or compassion in your heart. You may feel young and all cavalier right now (to make a comment like that)...but not even TOMORROW is promised..... life will catch-up to you as well someday. Just pray you have any heart and soul left to get back up. I hope you even have something you're passionate enough about to be worth fighting for. Mr. Fox does, and he is brave. What do you even get....out of making such a vile comment?? Does your soul feel better now? It’s right up there with: “It must be take a worm for a walk week!” Another great insult from the original KK. What a DICK. Spoilers anyone?? Agreed! ^^^^