MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

You’re thinking of Boba Fett’s rifle. I always thought they looked cool. True They have pictures of them including the box for the old Kenner toys it’s just that they don’t have them in the film which bothers me whenever I watch it. Good job. The original Superman before this was evil. Maybe the 90’s Dracula I forgot about that? 1984 -the one made in 1984. The most recent Maltese Falcon. I took a film class at a community college a few years back and they’re was one black person and he was always late. Also, no one said the races are equally attractive and since Hollywood can legally hire on looks which they do (Am I right fellas?) it is perfectly reasonable that the races are not equally represented. In fact saying something like Italian women are cute or Asian women are hot ( which even the Liberal infested Playboy has done) is in fact a racist statement because they would not say that if there was no disparage. If you compare two cars which are exactly the same (to tenth decimal spot in mpg) but styling the better looking car is the superior car. Foreign snow was cheaper than domestic in the 1980’s. It was a purely economic decision. I did not read your whole post but it’s like the Gestapo in that they would kill anyone connected to a person. Also, the Death Star’s main weapon was first used on Alderaan and it says so in the film so it could be that it wasn’t operational earlier in the film. I have one I use to play old games on. I already answered most of those. Troll better. It paints the message crime doesn’t pay. I don’t know. It breaks down society. Do you think it should be legal or illegal? Yes Movies China has more ships than we do.