MovieChat Forums > Theman > Replies

Theman's Replies

What kind of company do you want to start? Busted air conditioning unit made it almost unbearable. Totally agree. I thought Hollywood would be more on the side of artistic freedom. If a painter likes how Japanese ladies look he should be free to follow his artistic inclinations. I always watch the Oscars but this might change my outlook. I do not believe in unguided evolution. Scientists cannot explain Nostradamus. I always thought Halle Berry was not attractive enough to be an actress. Going to the bar/club even though I do not usually drink alcohol. Karen Kamala Harris wants to legalize prostitution. The Democrat party has become the party of prostitution. What if on a 0-2 pitch one pitch before the hit the hitter barely hits the baseball and the baseball goes into the glove of the catcher but it barely pops out and the catcher cannot catch it by the slimmest of margins? What if there was a no ball two strike count on the hitter when he got the hit? George Lucas? Me too and I am a Harry Potter fan. I like his flat tax proposal. We waste a lot of manpower with complicated and cumbersome tax laws. Comparing black kids to roaches was like the least disturbing thing in that video. What about the Clinton pardons? The Family Guy voice actore is offended by this but had no problem with the 9/11 joke or the joke about a porn version of the Holocaust. You are as bad as Queen Bavmorda. Her music is so bad.